The Birth

That had to be the best birth process I've ever seen on TV. The whole segment was fantastic and so well done. The music was a great choice and the slow-mo made it really cool. It was totally the opposite of the usual birth process on TV, screaming and everyone being frantic. I've played it like four times. Kudos.


It was really good!


agreed. it was perfection from start to finish.



It was pure cinematic perfection, when it finished I watched over again!


I admit...I almost cried.

Tears of joy...


I *did* cry :)


awww *hug*.

It was a beautiful sequence. I hope this show gets renewed.


Every time I hesr that John Lennon song I get a lump in my throat!! Beautiful scene!


I cried when they were at the beach getting married.


yes, i agree about the birth sequence... just beautiful. And the wedding on the beach was perfect! The whole episode was perfect. i'd love to have the show continue, but am happy that it is all wrapped up for now in case it doesn't.

Luke … this is your father … come set the table for dinner.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the show got canned. I can't believe that it didn't get another season it sucks but i am glad at the way they ended it. it looked fantastic and your right the birth scene was really well done. I would have loved for this show to get another season it was such a good laugh.

live and let live
