Sometimes a cloud is just a cloud.
Sometimes people just see what they want to see.
I was really excited coming into this movie. I love fan theories or different perspectives on classic films. And while I'll agree that things in Kubrick's films are deliberately placed, these people need to stop getting high and watching The Shining.
The only lady that had any credible evidence to back anything up was Kearns, who talked about the spacial anomalies of The Overlook. Even still, that has been discussed to death so it wasn't anything groundbreaking.
Some of the outlandish claims, such as Kubrick used The Shining to highlight his involvement in the faking of the Apollo moon landing footage, just sound laughable when said out loud. What's worse is that most of these crackpots don't have any evidence to back up their claims.
The people who posited that The Shining is a commentary on the Holocaust or Native American genocide have studied those fields and have a vested interest in them. So it makes sense that if you study the Holocaust all your life, devote all your time to it, have an extreme interest in it, it's going to color your interpretation of the movie. And while no interpretation is incorrect, many of these theories seem self-serving and pompous.
This documentary was also very poorly put together. At one point the narrator actually stops his narration and excuses himself to calm his crying child down. Production value is non-existent. Skip this one, folks.
What should we do? Call Marcus! Guys, who's Marcus? I don't know...I don't know...