One of the worst pieces of crap I've ever seen.
I, like Stephen King (reportedly), gave up on this piece of complete garbage about halfway through. The makers of this film take completely innocuous images, and, with their paranoia or complete idiocy, try to mold them into some kind of 'message'.
The only message you need to know is - these people are NUTS. This film is GARBAGE. And they can't (at least by the halfway point of this film) even begin to tie this nonsense together.
The film is about 90+ minutes long (and about 85 minutes TOO long). The reason it hits the 1.5 hour mark is because for each absurd image they try to explain, they take FOREVER to make their point. It's mind numbing and excruciating to wait as these film makers get to their point - only to find out THEY DON'T HAVE ONE.
To these dolts, continuity errors in THE SHINING are 'hidden Kubrick messages'. Food canisters have hidden meanings. Janitors mopping a floor have hidden meanings. The tee shirt a woman is wearing in the lobby on the last day of the season - yep - hidden meaning. The only problem is - they never say WHAT that meaning is.
What these clowns have done is to go through the film, pull out images at random, and assign their imagination to it and come up with the trash they are trying to peddle.