MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Rank the season 4 episodes

Rank the season 4 episodes

1.Black Museum - most interesting with the mini stories, its also the precursor of the tech used in San Junipero
2.USS Callister - funny and campy , would be cool to see a spin off series about their adventures
3.Hang the DJ - feels like San Junipero but kinda fell short, nice twist at the end though
4.Metalhead - pretty good thriller
5.Crocodile - nice detective-ish story and the darkest one
6.Arkangel - its ok I guess


USS Callister was one of the worst things I've ever seen anywhere. Boring, superficial, vapid and derivative ... I could go on finding insulting descriptors, but it's not worth it.

All the other episodes - ACCEPTABLE .... USS Callister - UNACCEPTABLE

and having just watched "Black Museum" it is UNACCEPTABLE too, way too long, annoying and disjointed.


I see brux is still being an idiot...


I think that was the point of it brux.. it was supposed to be derivative because the main character was obsessed with all these shows. I quite enjoyed the way it pokes fun at them and I did find it tense when they were trying to get the DNA samples. I was also quite surprised that for Black Mirror, it had a relatively 'happy ending'.

I've not seen the other episodes in the series yet.


> it was supposed to be derivative

That explains the derivative part, but you still have not explained the stupid and the bad part.


Well that's subjective anyway.. you thought it was stupid and bad, I didn't.. there is no explanation for either viewpoint.


Hang the DJ is far superior to San Junipero.


not even close. hang the DJ was the weakest of the season and San Junipero is the feel good episode of the entire series.


Well, to you. Hang the DJ is my favorite episode of this season.

And I already opened another topic about that, but Metalhead is the weakest.


No, MY subjective opinion is the true accurate depiction of objective reality!!!1


And why are you saying this to me and not the other poster? Wasn't their response exactly like this?

But differences in tastes are why threads like this even exist in the first place, although I honestly don't get the point of people starting them.


agree, it just doesnt resonate the strong feelings I had from SJ. The love isnt that strong ,it just feels like they make a good team or buddies as they enjoy each other company. Seem like they wanted a song theme like SJ(Heaven is place on Earth) at the end but it fell flat and doesnt do anything other than as a title. SJ story ,the songs and the execution is on a whole another level, even without the wonderful 80's theme its still a superior episode.


1) Metalhead (my personal favourite despite being the shortest episode this season)
2) Arkangel (A scary look at where could possibly be headed in the near future with parental controls and technology)
3)Black Museum (I love the mini stories and this reminded me of Tales from the Hood)
4)Crocodile (Not a terrible episode but not a fantastic one either. Middle of the pack for the season)
5)USS Callister (Kind of a neat idea, even though he tortured those digital clones I dont think he deserved to die in real life)
6)Hang the DJ (no idea why this is loved by some people, it was slow and boring and the twist ending made me feel like I had wasted time rather than spent it being entertained)


Do you perchance mean "Tales From The Crypt"?


No it was like tales from the hood. where the guy takes the 3 men on a tour of this weird place and tells them a bunch of short stories then there is a twist at the end. very similar.


OK, I just never heard of it.


1. Hang the DJ
2. USS Callister
3. Black Museum
4. Crocodile
5. Arkangel
6. Metalhead


1. Hang the DJ
2. Arkangel
3. Black Museum
4. USS Callister
5. Metalhead
6. Crocodile


Sign me up for a USS Callister series, Daly could also show up from time to time to be that series "mythology arc" and be the absolute nemesis to the crew. Haha, good times.



I've only watched USS Callister so far but I disagree that Daly didn't deserve what happened to him. I think it was fair enough that he wanted to live in this fantasy world, I even didn't think it would be so bad to live in this world... but the way he tortures them is just evil!



But even though they were code, he knew they had feelings as though they were real, and played on that to keep them in line. Don't forget, he did throw Tommy out of an airlock.. an innocent child who felt pain as though he was a 'real boy'.



He may not deserved it but he certainly got into it of his own accord, he could have just let them go(knowing he could still recreate them). I find it rather baffling that he had to chase the ship instead of stopping it with his godlike powers or he could have exit the game and stop the ship or disable the update or something.

Anyway hes a coward in a sense ,he should have stood up to Walton and not let him be push around. Walton is not his boss since they created the game and company as partners. I would have more sympathy if hes employed by Walton instead and had to put with him to keep his job.


That's an interesting question you raise... I think that 'as if they're real' IS the same as far as feelings are concerned. They feel pain as much as the real version of them would do, and I think only an evil person would deliberately harm them. To me it's the same as people saying that animals don't feel fear/pain like we do.



I thought they felt exactly like we do.. I thought that because of Coles reaction to finding out what was going on as well as how Walton behaved when talking about what happened to his son. I have now watched the rest of this series and the theme was revisited in Black Museum with the souvenirs of Clayton being electrocuted.. it's definitely something they want us to consider.


Disproportionate punishments are the hallmark of this series. Think of the episodes like White Bear and the Christmas special, which had it worst.



As I recall, in White Bear the girl wasn't a murderer, she just didn't do anything to prevent it. So she was more of an accomplice. But what kind of sadists do those people have to be to mete out that sort of punishment, repeatedly? And in White Christmas a user of Jon Hamm's dating service got killed by a mentally unstable woman - so he deserves to be blocked by all of society for what looked like indefinitely?
Also, that man he got to confess - how did he deserve anything that happened to him? How was it even legal for his wife to just unilaterally block him?

And I did think it was especially cruel to the cookies to leave them there for thousands of years (why even make a cookie you'd have to "break" to become your personal assistant, Jesus), just like it was cruel to keep that woman's consciousness in a toy monkey in Black Museum indefinitely.

Btw, I don't think Daly will necessarily die in the real world, it seems likely someone will find him, like when his partner at the company notices he is missing, and they have deadlines and all. But I did like the episode overall.



1. Crocodile - I thought it was the best out of all. It was brutal and dark.
2. USS Callister
3. Arkangel
4. Metalhead
5. Hang the DJ
6. Black Museum


I've only seen the first 3 so far but I didn't like crocodile.. it was too dark for me with her killing the child. There was no good outcome there once she had killed both the parents, but I feel that it was too dark for me.
