why so much swearing?

[related to SEASON 4]

I get that it is R Rated, no prob. I'm fine with swearing, no problem. Just seems like it is an over the top amount for most characters this season, without any reason? I have always felt that films, shows, shorts that spread swearing like grass seed, USUALLY LACK in the story department and try to make up for it with EXAGGERATED "action packed" dialog padded with swearing.
Think I'm a prude, fine. I'm not. If more swearing is important to the story, please explain how, because I am not seeing that it is. Sometimes, it is distracting.
I don't recall previous seasons being as swear filled - there were some, I'd say the appropriate amount needed for the characters..... maybe since it is American funded now, they think WE are all illiterate, talking like sailors?


I didn't even notice the swearing, or it certainly didn't strike me as excessive or gratuitous.

It must be a generational thing. Whenever I see someone complaining on these boards about the swearing, it's someone old or someone religious (or both).

Either way, it's someone maladapted to modern realities.


There is also something about the quality of individuals and education levels. IE easy to see how street thugs swear every other word, generally due to lack of education.

Based on music trends, easy to notice "thuggery" is this decades current "rebelion", but that certainly doesn't make it right, nor the norm for the majority.

If black mirror is attempting to appeal to THAT level, I get it, but I'd warn them, they don't have a lot of money to spend on netflix, past statically speaking.

OOps, I mean F*** yeah! It's them old F****** B******* breaking our balls about F****** B**** A** swearing. F****** C****!!! S***!




hahahaha totally done with TV since everything went constantly continuous, soap opera, reality type drama. thanks for the warning though.


WOW you are ignorant!


If YOU don't see where TV went.... well...... ok then. :)


For anyone to say that television today is continuous soap opera and reality type drama means that they are simply not watching any quality programs, and are utterly ignorant of all of television's present offerings.

There are, in fact, SO MANY good shows these days that I don't think I'll ever be able to watch them all in my entire life. Not with work and other commitments.


don't waste your time. just press "IGNORE", lower right. :)


I don't care about you enough to do anything about it.

I gotta say, though, for your age you seem to be really lacking in worldliness and common sense.


Oh it ain't that...it's the best show ever conceived...it just ain't for the timid viewer...


I have an IQ of 179, various degrees and I swear like a motherfucker, so there goes your logic! Any way for you to feed your superiority complex though...


No worries. It IS a generational thing.

Previous Generation: "Mother, may I please have the sugar for my corn flakes? Thank you so very much."

Current Generation: "get me the f****** sugar, NOW B****"

Good thing there is nothing wrong with it. It's JUST generational. ;)


"Current Generation: "get me the f****** sugar, NOW B****""

That is an absurd hyperbole, and not in any way based on reality.

It doesn't do you any favors to be constructing your arguments this way. It just ends up saying a lot more about you than anything about today's generation (whichever generation was implied in that statement).

Well, just like this whole topic, actually.


"I have an IQ of 179, various degrees and I swear like a motherfucker, so there goes your logic! Any way for you to feed your superiority complex though..."

Big deal. My IQ is 280. My voice generator doesn't contain any profanity.




I don't think it is a generational thing because I'm fifty and I didn't notice an unrealistic amount of swearing.


I think the OP is elderly.


Yes, I noticed it too. There was excessive amount of the word "sheet".


I usually couldn't give a shit about language, but FUCK did seem overused in Metal Head by that cunt.


yeah, I suppose she did do.... HEY WAIT A MINUTE! I see what you did there. :D


I haven't really noticed that much swearing, but then I've only watched five episodes so far. As to swearing, it doesn't bother me if it's in context.



Fully agree about context. And used as a power expletive. What will be do when swearing is equal to "the"? We won't have any way to proclaim excitement, fear etc -- just a bunch of YELLING?? :D


As Mark Twain once famously said:

"In certain circumstances, profanity provides a release denied even to prayer."



I forgot to mention I meant SEASON 4 of B.M. Previous seasons seemed fine.





The swearing in the second episode of the fourth season is simply the way that character speaks... It is common for some parts of the British working class to swear that way...

It's not a current generation thing either, as you will find many of the people swearing are well into their late 40s...

In some cities in the UK and in Ireland you have people who swear in nearly every sentence... Literally. It's much more common than anywhere in the US...
