MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Do people not know what Cookies are?

Do people not know what Cookies are?

I know the concept sounds awesome but I can't imagine many people would want to subject an almost identical copy of themselves to such an awful existence.
I'd feel awful if I knew my virtual assistant was a broken version of me. Or anyone else for that matter. Real or not.
Unless they hide this fact from the general public.


It's just code. It's an app, not a real person.


Seems real to them... On the surface you're right but this show provokes thought about these technologies.. Is something new, something better??


Makes me think of "Ex Machina"


"Unless they hide this fact from the general public."


American money - In God We Trust
British banknotes - Charles Darwin


I wonder if these people are so self-involved (the ones that elect for this service, not so much the ones who have it forced on them) that they never get curious enough to interact with them (selves?), I could only imagine that some cookies would be not quite so broken as to become so automated and unattached and look for opportunities to interact and potentially change their regulated fate.

But then again I feel only a certain type of personality would only be suited for this type of thing. I find it very hard for an artistic or rebellious or creative type to venture and use this and NOT be so curious as to interact and discover the humanity of these copies.

That technology was maybe the most or second most unsettling trchnological use next to the AI in Be Right Back.


Two things:

1) This is the biggest moral question related to AI.

2) Throughout history people have owned human slaves; people who were deliberately broken i order to serve others.
