Hated in the Nation was like a sh!tty modern police procedural drama. The ending was terrible. It would have all been made better if Nicolas Cage had just shown up and uttered his famous line.
I agree - I find it odd so many people seem to like it, it was like a tedious episode of CSI directed by Ken Loach. I actually gave up before the end I was so bored. Most of the other episodes were good, but this was a real misstep. The bee concept was far too sci-fi to be mixed in with the pretty contemporary social media stuff - it just felt all wrong, and the story and characters were soooo dull!
I guess in retrospect I agree, but I honestly didn't find myself wishing it would end. The characters could have been better, but I did enjoy the social media aspect and the existence of the bees. Both seemed plausible. I mean, I'm not sure if the bees could actually be developed in real life, but with all the talk about the shrinking bee population, it made sense that an alternative would exist on down the line. And we all know people would continue to use #DeathTo even if they knew it could lead to real death.
Bottom line - and again this is just my opinion - is that I might agree with it having been the weakest episode of the 6, but I was no where near shutting it off mid-episode. Maybe moreso because I only had 6 to watch of a show I've been anxious to see for a couple years.
I was watching it after sitting through four others late at night so maybe my patience was wearing thin. My wife just watched it and while she thought it was maybe weaker that the others, enjoyed it. I don't see why they chose to make this 1.5 hours, though - I guess Brooker wanted to have a go at doing a detective story, but it really didn't hold my attention and felt fact the bee tech looked 50 years more advanced than everything else in the setting kind of took me out of it.
Ignoring whether I liked it or not I can certainly agree that the bee tech was far advanced of the world around it. Although the self-driving car was pretty bad ass. Not sure I'll ever trust those. I can handle it if my time comes while I'm driving my car, but I'd be super annoyed if I bit the big one because my smart car had a glitch or miscalculation.