Season 3 episodes

IMDb lists 12 episodes for season 3 on Netflix, but according to more than one source, there will only be 6 episodes in season 3. Just wanted to let folks know so they're not disappointed when they can't find episodes that aren't actually there...!


I just watched the trailer for season 3 and Im sad they hired American actors. I really hope they haven't "Americanized" it though. I kinda like the English feel to it


Thy use plenty of actors from all over. If the nationalities of the actors are an important part of you being able to enjoy a show, then you are definitely part of the problem.


Not sure when they did, but it looks like someone at IMDb fixed it so it shows only the 6 episodes...


From what I've read the twelve episodes has apparently morphed from one season into two and they will call the result Season 4. :(

"This is What You Want... This is What You Get"


S1 3 +
S2 3 +
Xmas Special +
S3 6 +
S4 6 (2017)

13 so far, 6 to come next year = 19 eps in total
