Nose Dive & San Junipero my favs
So brilliant. I especially appreciate BDH's acting in Nose Dive.
Love the relationship in San Junipero, such a feel-good episode, which was a nice departure for this series.
Nose-Dive's ending was also kind of the same, with her being able to let out her anger with the other prisoner.
PlayTest and Shut Up and Dance were pretty good and I really didn't the Men Against Fire episode, but I will admit I didn't finish watching it, b/c I hate army/military themed anything, it just is so uninteresting to me. I did read the spoilers on it, though, and the reveal is pretty interesting.
I might be in the minority, but I really disliked Hated in the Nation. It was too long and it didn't have that Black Mirror vibe to it for me, for some reason. Killer wasps? Kay....