MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > How different is this from THX1138?

How different is this from THX1138?

I was just thinking about one of my all time favorite movies, THX1138.
Dystopian future. Working is living. No real relationships. No real view of the outside world.

The pumps don't work 'cause the Vandals stole the handles
Bob Dylan


Well, one is a well-made, thoughtful and stylistic film about an actual dystopia. The other is a middling-budget Twilight Zone ripoff that appeals to panicky millennials who were raised by their smartphones who can be presented with pretty much any vision of the future and can find a way to say "yup that's where we're headed".

It's also a British show so it's automatically the greatest thing in the world to some people.


Oh, well I'm sorry you weren't born in the 90's, mate. Would you like to have the secret milk of human kindness?



Being 11 years older than the 90s is fantastic. Trust me.


Completely ... completely ... I saw THX1138 when it came out and I liked it, but these episodes are so much better, they kind of grab you by the gut .... very powerful.


Well, this is an anthology television show, so that's a big difference. Each episode is self-contained. Some of the stories deal with the themes you mention (I haven't seen the film, probably should). Some have other focal points.

"Here, with a special report, is a midget in a bikini."
