shut up and dance

What do you think was the hackers motivation for making people do all those things and exposing them anyway? I thought they would take the bank robbery money. But instead they just fcked with everyone. It would have taken time and money to organize all of that. Was it really just to fck with people? Punish them for their crimes?


Do you know what that drawing we saw appeared on their phones at the end means?


Means you got trolled son.

Less than forget. But more than begun.




The maleware that was used was called shrive which is a term to "cleanse the soul" mainly by a priest. So they were taking people who'd done something wrong and were punishing them for it.
Brooker is looking at how we act as a society when we see deplorable acts. He's making us see that they are human and then throwing their crime at the viewer and seeing how we react.


Do you think White Bear did it better?

Both reveal at the end the lack of innocence in the presumed innocent (at least with the boy), and both of their crimes deal with children.

I think this could be testing what that boundary of punishment is for society?a woman colluding with her lover vs what I presumed to be an awkward young man/boy, both with children as their victims.


I think both were extremely powerful, but yes white bear (for me) was better. But they are both really powerful episodes.


They were an online vigilante group of hackers. They're like Anonymous, just far more vindictive and advanced.


ohhh thats helpful. I didnt even think about anonymous. For some reason I was picturing one person doing all of that.
