Why did Kelly decide to go to SJ in the end? She seemed pretty adamant about dying and her argument was very convincing. Oher girl (forgot name) didn't have a chance to convince her otherwise. Then Kelly's car crash that mirrored the other girls'. What about that changed her mind? I felt like it would've been more fitting for her to pass on like she said she would.
She made the speech about how other girl never asked about her life experience. They were talking about how it all feels real to the point it's essentially real. So, she crashed and was flung out of the car and experienced just a sliver of what happened to other girl. But other girl never had a life because she was really paralyzed. And since it wasn't real, I suppose she felt like she had gotten lucky and felt like a big hypocrite. She reconsidered. She must of been happier with the girl.
I was under the impression that because Yorkie appeared to assist her that changed Kelly's viewpoint but the commentor above me has a theory that makes more sense.
Together with other points made above, with all of which I agree, I think it's also possible that Kelly, given some time to think about it, realized she'd been unfair. She blamed Yorkie for not knowing her life story, when she'd been the furthest thing from forthcoming and had set very firm boundaries from the outset, discouraging deep conversation and emotional connection. She was, in a word, wrong. Perhaps this occurred to her.
I don't think it was just one thing. I think the crash gave her a little more perspective on Yorkie, time to think gave her a little more perspective on her own attitudes and behavior, and there was probably a component of wanting to honor her marriage vows as well. For all her faults, Kelly was a loyal personality, faithful to her husband in life, and I am sure equally faithful to Yorkie in unlife or whatever we may call it.
And then too there's the whole not wanting to die thing. Most people don't. Maybe being uploaded isn't really living, but as Yorkie said, it felt real, and the emotions were certainly real.
"Here, with a special report, is a midget in a bikini."
Actually the entire thing made Kelly out to be the selfish one. She said she only did it as a social nicety which was really rude. And she had actually learned in a recent scene that Yorkie had been in a coma since she was 21. San Junipero was actually her first life experience. Kelly really thought she could act like the victim. Actually the question is why did Kelly want her after that. She was actually bragging about how she had a life and relationship and Yorkie had no ability to even understand it.
Much of what Kelly said in that little rant didn't bother me, except insofar as I didn't want anything tearing the two apart, because she did have reason to be angry. She'd been clear that San Junipero wasn't her future, and why it wasn't, and still Yorkie was really pushing it, hard. Where I thought Kelly went beyond a reasonable response to that was in blaming Yorkie for the unequal dynamic between them that Kelly'd very purposely created herself.
As it turns out... guess it was a good thing Yorkie pushed her, though!
"Here, with a special report, is a midget in a bikini."
Yes I felt the ending needed more scenes to be earnt. I'd have been happy to have seen this as a feature with 20 more mins to develop their love story, because so far it seemed like a very shallow fashionable hook up until then.
I was thinking it could've been a good movie too. It felt really out of place in Black Mirror though. Just a lovely romance with a happy ending? I was waiting for some dark, depressing twist so it was disappointing to see they stayed together in virtual heaven. Great song choice at the end though.
I can imagine if the episode was expanded to 2 hour movie, it could delve deeper into the idea of that second life. And indeed it had hints of abusive relationships and whatever the 'Quagmire' was.
I loved how the episode had a good 30 mins of guessing what's going on. Are they time travellers? Are they in an alternate dimension? Are they dead/purgatory? Are they in VR? Oh it's all 4.