I think the idea of her giving the speach still was that she brainwashed herself into needing to give it and get to this place to tell it, that she kind of had to do it to unload it all off her chest, even thoguh she knew it wasnt helping. This is why towards the end she's kind of just saying "you *beep* greg" etc.I still feel it didn't end very well, I appreciate what they were going for, but as is the case with short films (which black mirror effectively is) which hinge on a single premise, they are kind of shallow sometimes and if they dont hit a particular note they kind of feel anticlimactic. It reminds me of the very first Black Mirror episode which is based on credits, but that one seems to tell more of a story, whereas this didn't really delve into much.It's a pity as China has pretty much just announced they're going to start a citizen scoring point system that will effect their lives and it will more than likely result in a lot of proaganda and pro-government patriotism in order to score highly, thus rendering anyone that protests or votes against the government a subpar scored citizen unable to get loans or be allowed in well scoring social circles. I feel this episode could've done so much more. Koalas are telepathic. Plus, they control the weather.