MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Hated in the Nation ending

Hated in the Nation ending

What did you guys think of the ending?

The brunette woman just deleted the blonde woman's message.... I might be reading a bit too much but I felt that it was supposed to show how the brunette woman didn't care but the blonde woman was acting like the mobster by being adamant to track the guy down.



I think its just that she told the jury the blonde woman killed herself, so if the police were to ever look through her phone for any reason, there's no evidence of her being alive.


I love that it didn't actually show what happened to the blonde chick. It's quite obvious that she had her cover blown and dude axed her in the face when she turned that corner, but like that it left it up in the air a bit.


She smiled after deleting it. She was just deleting evidence.

I don't think the other woman was 'axed' either: it'a set-up that the guy is not as smart as he thinks he is.


I'm pretty sure the brunette knew about it. She "lied" to the people in the room so that person controlling the bees wouldn't look for the blonde anymore (possibly). Notice how he leaves right after the brunette is done telling her story.

I'm not sure how or even if the bee controller knew if there was someone following him, but that was at least how I read the situation.


They're still partners, though it isn't exactly official anymore. And friends, I imagine, after going through something so brutal together.

They worked together on making the blonde agent (Chloe, "Blue") disappear, and the brunette (Karin) backed up the suicide story. One of them had to stay behind to do that. They can't have the guy sneaking a bee with audio capability in to the hearing, and finding out someone's still after him.

So now, Blue is updating Karin, because Karin is in the loop and wants to get that sonofabitch as much as Blue does. Karin deletes the evidence (and, I presume, wipes her phone when she gets home), visibly pleased by the report.

We're left to decide for ourselves what Blue does with the perpetrator once she catches up to him. I expect she kills him, and I'm okay with that. So is Karin.

"Here, with a special report, is a midget in a bikini."


It also comes across as a riff on the final scene in "Silence of the Lambs."


Yes! I came here to see if anyone else noticed that.


Hey, you're right. It has a bit of that same flair.


I agree she deleted the message from her phone because she didn't want any traces on her phone showing she was still alive. I also agree, I don't think she was killed once they turned the corner, she had been following his trail for a while. Obviously, it's open to interpretation, I'm hoping he finally got what was coming to him - though it was more a vigilante justice.
