San Junipero

I loved the episode immensely but also am a bit bummed as it is somewhat similar to a novel I have been working on. Still have to say it was easily a theatre quality episode. Had it had a tad better production quality/effects and a big name star or two it could have been a standout indy star film. Anyway, excellent work and I hope to see more great work next season.


I've noticed similar themes with two other episodes.

Nosedive was almost exactly like a Community Episode.

Men Against Fire was very similar to an Outer Limits episode where they see the enemy as an alien but they're Chinese or something.


Yup, this season is the most derivative so far, which is sad because the previous seasons were pretty groundbreaking in their originality.


I really liked this season. San Junipero was a struggle to get through though.


Nosedive had some of the same talent involved, so that one can be explained.

San Junipero borrows the tech and heaven type of setting from many other stories, the most recent I can think of being the Battlestar Galactica prequel called Caprica (2009). In which the question was raised, is it really you? You die, its a copy of you...this question always comes up when thinking about the transporters on Star Trek as well, you are broken down and copied, so what comes out on the end is like you, but not you. Or is it?

"This is What You Want... This is What You Get"


These episodes aren't like those you mention from other shows anymore? When did this occur?


I've noticed similar themes with two other episodes.

Nosedive was almost exactly like a Community Episode.

Men Against Fire was very similar to an Outer Limits episode where they see the enemy as an alien but they're Chinese or something.
I'd be shocked if anything was created today that didn't bear resemblance to something in the past. Nothing is original these days, and it's not the author's fault. There are a finite number of good plot points. People often say stuff is a rip-off of Star Wars, but fail to recognize that pretty much every aspect of those movies had been done before. There is a good chance that the writers hadn't seen Community or Outer Limits.

I've learned just to enjoy stuff, and not look for similarities.


San Junipero was enjoyable, but I just don't go with that consciousness forever stuff.

Nosedive on the other hand I could totally buy into.

~~the coins in the jar are for charity,~~
~~the coins in the tray are for sharing~~


I think the final scene at the end shows that it's just a re-creation of your mind and not your actual mind.


how does the final scene show that?

Voted biggest @sshole and role model of the year.


Same here. I've been writing a novel about people uploading their consciousness to a cloud.
