MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Shut Up and Dance - what was he arrested...

Shut Up and Dance - what was he arrested for?

Was he arrested for killing the guy in the woods, or for looking at child porn? I'm guessing it was for the murder based on how many cops were there...


Probs both.


I'm guessing it's for the robbery actually. I doubt the murder wouldn't have been discovered yet since it was in a pretty remote area, and (maybe this is wrong) I'm not sure he could get in legal trouble for the child pornography since he's technically a child himself..?




I thought he was 19?



Oh he was? Did they say? I assumed younger because he didn't have a drivers license yet, but I could have totally missed them revealing his age.


They say he's 19 in the synopsis, but nowhere in the episode.

I imagine the police are because the armed robbery.


You could be 45 and not have a drivers license. You can't start driving in the UK till youre 17 anyway and it costs quite a bit.


I realize that, but he looked so young. Didn't realize it was expensive in the UK, though.


Depending on how long you take it does add up. mine were about a grand. Then the tests are 60 and 30 quid so if you fail them you have to keep repaying that too.
So if he is in a single parent family it looks like he was paying that himself.


The murder was recorded on the drone, so I figured it had been uploaded by then.


The murder was recorded on the drone, so I figured it had been uploaded by then.

Two more intelligent people might have said 'that thing is recording us, and so are we seriously now going to have a fight to the death? Whatever trouble we are in for watching child-porn, clearly this isn't a good idea. They'll have one of us on video committing murder, and the other one of us will be dead.'


He does have a phone with the text history of blackmail and remember the other guy did start attacking him so can claim self defence.

I am sure the robbery and CP would get him in a bit of crap but the blackmail might get his sentence reduced.


Even if has was a child, he could still get in trouble. I don't know what the laws are in the UK, so I might be wrong, but in the US minors have been prosecuted for possession and dissemination of child pornography simply for sending and receiving nude pics to and from their boyfriends/girlfriends.


And he worked in a kitchen. In the US, you have to be 18 to even use a knife.


Yeah. you need to be 18 to buy a knife over here too.


You're not supposed to rob a bank brandishing a gun, even if it's unloaded. It's against the law.
