MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Favourite Ending/Twists (SPOILERS)

Favourite Ending/Twists (SPOILERS)

After finishing this season I 'd say it was a pretty good overall.

I think the twists were more shocking than the last two seasons, because Charlie Brooker upped his game, and that I didn't have the time to wait during advert breaks to figure out the twist before it came.

My fav is probably 'Shut up and Dance' twist. The child going so far revealed him as a paedophile and the entire thing as vigilantism was well done and an improvement on 'White Bear'.

The next best ending would be 'Nosedive'. The entire episode would have sucked without that end scene. Ironic and touching.

I loved much of 'San Junipero' but the ending didn't feel earned to me. The ending in 'Men Against Fire' the ambiguous tears (if his subconcious remembered or not?) with that run down house and augmented reality on top was very Black Mirror and depressing as we expected.


I liked the multiple fake-outs in Playtest.


I thought the ending to Nosedive was telegraphed the moment the consultant guy said "and baring any major public embarrassment." The rest of the episode was 40 minutes too long waiting for the show to get to the point. The last scene was setup by the truck driver. Honestly the most bland and uncreative episode in the series behind "Playtest," which also redid a very tired and predictable sci-fi trope.


Oh yes the dialogue and setup was very on the nose and Americanised. The insults and face overlapping in Prison won me over.

I do agree with you about Playtest... that felt like a student film.


Even though that ending was broadcast, I was fascinated in how the social media worked in this future world. I didn't mind it taking long to get to the end, which I loved. I especially loved the shot of dust in the air - as suddenly, without altered vision and screen time, we actually see the world around us, actually see each other.

-The night is a very dark time for me.
-It's dark for everyone, moron!
-Not for Alaskans...


Even though that ending was broadcast, I was fascinated in how the social media worked in this future world. I didn't mind it taking long to get to the end, which I loved. I especially loved the shot of dust in the air - as suddenly, without altered vision and screen time, we actually see the world around us, actually see each other.

-The night is a very dark time for me.
-It's dark for everyone, moron!
-Not for Alaskans...


Yeah, that was only going to end one way.

Hell, the name of the episode is 'Nosedive', so it was a pretty safe wager she wasn't going to be a 4.2 by the end of it.


I loved everything about Fifteen Million Merits, including the end.


White bear


Ditto.. White Bear.
