MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > S3 E3 - what did the black guy do?

S3 E3 - what did the black guy do?

Kenny and that man were pedos, Hector was using escorts and the woman had sent a racist email, did anyone catch what the black guy on the moped who delivered the cake had done? I saw that he had also got his info released but I didn't catch what his wife(?) was yelling at him for


He rode a moped. That was his sin.


+1 mate


Same thing that the one kid did looking at pictures of kids


justinmd: you dont know that at all. It's just left to your interpretation.


Oh I must of misheard something they showed a shot in his apartment and I thought I heard them saying that my bad


his family called him a pervert, so that's just what I assumed, too


I think the punishments scaled with the degree of immorality involved. (Pedos fought to the death, adulterer lost family, racist lost her position.) I doubt it was the same as the other 2. Probably something along the same level as the adulterer.


He voted for Brexit.


That'd make him a role model!


For stupid people?


Just out of curiosity, how old are you anti-brexit folks?


I'm not pro or anti, but in hindsight it seems like it really phvked the UK over. Also, where is that Brexit? I'm still waiting. All I see is the pound crashing.
I'm 35, whatever thats worth.
In my experience people with The Gadsden flag as an avatar are usually, how to say this nicely.... simple.
I look forward to being proved wrong.


Just a regular American guy sick of being ignored by washington.


Didn't his mum (I thought it was his mum anyway) shout at him about being a pervert?


The subtitle says "a sick disgusting pervert". I cannot recognize how old the woman is, but since it seems to be his family around him (his parents and his siblings rather than his own family), this hints at him being different to their concept of morality rather than having done something which is wrong in the eyes of the entire society. Given how the "failings" are ranked (the two pedophiles being forced to kill each other, the adulterer taking part in a robbery, the racist providing the vehicle, providing the gun and delivering the cake should be somewhere inbetween. Maybe I am prejudiced because of the ethnical origin of the family, but my guess would be that he is simply gay.

(There are few shows for which the effort of analyzing them to this degree would make sense, but I am convinced the writers built the reality so thoroughly that there is an answer.)


That did cross my mind, I think you're probably right. I don't think it was as extreme as the paedophilia, and he seemed to get off a lot less lightly than the adulterer.

I guess that raises the question as to why the hacker would want to punish a guy for simply being gay? Maybe it's deeper than that but I guess we will never know!


It would hint at the hackers being less interested in the punishment but much more in the ability to blackmail people to make them do stuff. In the end they revealed everything and did not keep their end of the deal, so they are hardly the pinnacle of morality. The troll picture also hints at them not really having a point, I guess.

There is no hard evidence for my hypothesis, it is just the only thing I can come with which would fit the circumstances and the tone of the writing.


Maybe he was into bestiality. Which makes me think of this:

Clever things make people feel stupid and unexpected things make them feel scared


I agree, and disagree with you. The hackers are punishing people for crimes that they deem to be immoral, not the families of the people being targeted. I do agree with you that the punishments are in line with how immoral the hackers believe the actions are. (Death to pedos, adulterer loses his family, racist CEO loses her position.) In general, (obviously not 100% of the time, but for the majority) people who think racism is immoral, do not think that being gay is immoral. He probably is guilty of some sort of sexual perversion of about the same level of immorality as adultery (in the eyes of the hackers).


If he was a pedo I'd assume he would have been in the fight to the death at the end. He's probably gay and from a religious household.

Life! Don't talk to me about life.


His wife called him a pervert, but that could mean a lot of things.

Weird sexual kinks, homosexuality, etc.

I doubt he was a pedophile, I tend to think it was something more harmless.


Maybe he was on the DL.
