MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Shut up and dance - cam just records him

Shut up and dance - cam just records him

The cam is recording him masturbating and that's what his mother gets to see at the end. But how does she know what he was masturbating to? How do the hackers prove it? The connection is missing. Once the computer is hacked they can put anything on the hard drive - which doesn't prove anything.


But how does she know what he was masturbating to?

She did. She clearly stated that "they're saying it's kids".
These 'justice trolls' not only exposed him masturbating but what he was masturbating to.

How do the hackers prove it? The connection is missing.

How do the FED's know when someone is watching child porn?

If they had a log of his search history and the fact that he went to a child porn site to view the video they could have easily revealed that. They got to him based on the fact that he ventured int such sites before.

Once the computer is hacked they can put anything on the hard drive - which doesn't prove anything.

If they expose his search history and log that links back to the child porn site, and if his internet provider confirms that he DID actively seek out the porn (this was not his first time clearly) then he's busted.

Providers will turn over info if child porn or endangerment is involved.


Looking into it, yes it seems the ISP could give police details of any IPs (which sites he'd visited) Kenny has visited, so if they were happy to use info provided to them by internet trolls who had directed armed robberies and 'to-the-death pedo fights' to happen, he would get caught and couldn't lie his way out of it.

But although watching child-porn is a very bad thing... that 'blackmailing people to commit armed robbery and fight each other to the death' must be a bit illegal and immoral too...


You do know if they can hack they can also remove trace.
Despite all this the "hackers" are supposed to be normal people. Read what people say on fb about pedo's and you'll find many of them saying kill them etc. It's a reflection on society.


You do know if they can hack they can also remove trace.

The hackers wouldn't be found, no doubt.
At least the likelihood would be low.

They likely baited him with per-existing child porn and used malware to reel him in after he watched/downloaded the video.

Illegal yes, but effective for their purposes.


Have they found any of the anonymous group?


But although watching child-porn is a very bad thing... that 'blackmailing people to commit armed robbery and fight each other to the death' must be a bit illegal and immoral too...


I wouldn't see that as fit punishment.
Just jail time and counseling.


It was only the kiddie-porn guys who fought to the death... the others went through all their trials only to have the stuff released anyway. Whole thing seems a bit pointless to me, to kill one guy who'd jacked off to kiddie porn on the net and have the other one arrested. The hackers are no better than the people they humiliate.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


That's the point, though.

Poop? Poop.


But how does she know what he was masturbating to?

She did. She clearly stated that "they're saying it's kids".
These 'justice trolls' not only exposed him masturbating but what he was masturbating to.

What I was trying to say was: I wouldn't believe some people I don't know, that my kid is watching child pornography. And the mother buys it right away?

As I said, the camera is pointing at him. There can't be anything else on the video - unless theres a (black) mirror behind him. ;)

That the police would find any evidence on his computer - thats possible. But that the mother believes it right away is far fetched.


What I was trying to say was: I wouldn't believe some people I don't know, that my kid is watching child pornography. And the mother buys it right away?

She was upset and asking him about it.
Remember when she called him, she's crying and ASKING him if it's true.

That's a normal response to the scenario.

As I said, the camera is pointing at him. There can't be anything else on the video - unless theres a (black) mirror behind him. ;)

I already explained how they could link him back to the child porn.
Didn't you read what I said?

ONCE AGAIN they baited him with the child porn, filmed him masturbating and threatened to reveal that he was visiting child porn sites while doing it. He placed the malware/trojans on his computer when he downloaded the porn.

It was never just about him masturbating don't you see that?
That was the misdirect the writers used to get us to empathize with him until they revealed the truth.

It was the fact that they had evidence that he visited child porn sites.

His ISP would verify this with a basic investigation and turn over evidence to the police.

They would turn over all records of his visitation to sites and he would be linked to child porn. They would have records of him being there.

It's how the FBI catch people all the time. 😐


This is how I reckon the trolls could send out 'proof' Kenny was masturbating to children. Show the video of him masturbating to his contacts. Have some text say 'This is your friend Kenny masturbating. But he's doing it to children. We can't show you what he's watching for obvious reasons - but here is a list of his browser history and web searches we have obtained from a virus we installed on his computer. Still skeptical? Well you will soon see we are telling you the truth as we have handed all this over to the police, and you will find out soon enough when Kenny is arrested and charged. Kenny is a paedophile.


That would probably be enough for people to believe iot probably was true and account for what his mum says at the end of the episode.


I think if they can hijack his camera they can steal a screenshot of what he's looking at, as well as digging into his browsing history.

For a while in the episode, I thought he was so unbelievably mortified of people just seeing him (from above the waist!) jerking it, and I thought it was hilarious that he'd rob a bank rather than let people know he touches himself.


Well yeah, that's how you gain sympathy for him. Everyone is thinking: so what, he jerked off. Literally everyone does it, why is he so ashamed? You're on his side because you think he's more or less innocent, only to be proven so very wrong when it's revealed what he was actually doing. Then you have to decide whether or not he deserved his fate.


Yeah, I reckon you could find reasonable doubt on the porn thing. They'd nail him on the armed robbery though. Fear of embarrassment over being caught wanking can't possibly excuse a crime as serious as that.

Remember when I promised to kill you last?



The trolls sent a split screen video to all of his contacts - on the left side was child porn pictures and on the right side was him spanking the monkey.



Just because they didn't overtly mention it was a split screen doesn't mean there wasn't. They're subtle that way.



Well, i just read an interview online with the actor who portrays him and he said he was. I'm going to go with that.




Okey doke. You win.



The interviewer mentions it and he agrees with it.
THe whole point is he's a young looking guy with a really dark secret. IT'S about judgements we impose on people and the reactions of society on pedophilia as well as other moral sins. There is no doubt he was looking at it.


The show gives several hints, which make no sense when he is not a pedophile. First we see his interaction with the little girl and him staring at the painting, paired with his total disconnection with the collegues of the same age. Then we see his overreaction to his sister grabbing his laptop. Also he has big problems to admit what he has done, so it is clear it cannot be normal porn. Especially when he commits a robbery, which would be way out of proportion for something legal. Then there is the ranking. We know the racist delivered the car, the adulterer took part in the robbery, and the pedophile had to kill or get killed. It would not make any sense if his failure would have been less than the lowest one with the highest penalty. The other one even asks him about it, and he is unable to deny it. He even considers killing himself, which shows that he values his own life not higher than the pedophile's under the circumstances.

All this falls into place, when is mother phones him.


Well put.



Don't forget the little hint when he is "confessing" to Bronn what he did and Bronn says that he shouldn't be ashamed because everybody does that. "Probably even the pope does it" clearly hinting at child pornography and the scandals in the Catholic Church


No, he wasn't hinting that the Pope is a pedophile. EVERYBODY does not jerk off to kiddie porn.
He was only talking about masturbation.

Moreover, Hector had no idea, at any point during their interaction, that Kenny was a pedophile.


What I meant is that the show hinted at the real cause using that sentence.

It was one of the many nudges to the viewer like the first scene with the little girl's doll.

Sorry for the confusion, English is not my mother tongue.


The trolls sent a split screen video to all of his contacts - on the left side was child porn pictures and on the right side was him spanking the monkey.

The trolls distributed child porn? That's a more serious crime than just viewing it.

Which means, how did they convince all these people he was watching child porn, without showing some of the child-porn that he was watching? If they just describe it, or show a banner that says 'under-8 child porn' that's not going to be super-convincing. If they show any of it, they are distributing child-porn, plus I bet nobody Kenny knows don't want to see that.

I accept the trolls may have been able to give details to the police which the police later confirmed with the internet provider, which could lead to charges - but that's not what the last scene shows. It shows Kenny getting a phone call after leaving the pedofight, presumably the winner - and lots of his contacts, including his sister, have been told he was masturbating to 'kids.' His sister saw 'it' says his mother, and 'saw a video of you' - well what did they get told?


"I accept the trolls may have been able to give details to the police which the police later confirmed with the internet provider, which could lead to charges - but that's not what the last scene shows."

The VERY last scene is the key. When they arrest him they haven't pulled their guns. That means they are arresting him for pedophilia, not the robbery where he used the hand gun. If it were the robbery then they would have used a different tactic.

Therefore the police rec'd enough credible info on the pornography charge to arrest him on that. They would then find at least the robbery money in the backpack.


The VERY last scene is the key. When they arrest him they haven't pulled their guns. That means they are arresting him for pedophilia, not the robbery where he used the hand gun. If it were the robbery then they would have used a different tactic.

I think this is a mistake though. The UK police do not carry guns, but in the case of an armed robbery would usually send an armed response team. Maybe in this instance there was no such team nearby and he was judged not to be armed and dangerous - but this seems unlikely.

On the other hand, the police are not going to be sending squad cars full of police into the night to catch someone who has been viewing child-porn. They would arrest them at a more convenient date.

The only answer I can imagine is the trolls have informed the police about the fugitive criminal with enough information that they have gone to find him, but do not consider him enough of a danger to be treating him as armed and dangerous.


The UK police do not carry guns, but in the case of an armed robbery would usually send an armed response team.
Probably. But they're not Americans -- they're not going to pull a hundred guns on a guy who's just standing there posing no danger to them. Most likely there was an armed officer or two in that veritable fleet of cars, ready to act if necessary, and it clearly wasn't necessary.

"I know this ain't gonna sound good, but I just shot two people."


or they just did it for dramatic effect, because it's a TV show.


Did what for dramatic effect?

"I know this ain't gonna sound good, but I just shot two people."


Neither scenario seems to make sense then. Maybe the Director just didn't think it through. It is just a tv show.


I'm saying what they did do makes sense to me. I thought it was perfectly fine and wouldn't suggest any changes in that part.

"I know this ain't gonna sound good, but I just shot two people."


He was beaten and bloodied. It doesn't seem it would take long to find his opponent, or what was left of him. I assumed they either had or were planning to release video of the fight from the drone and everyone will know everything, from child porn to murder.


they probably showed split screen with his webcam and his actual desktop. yes, he could argue that actual video was fake and he was jerking to regular porn, though ISP could prove what he visited and that it was not his first time


Again, you think the trolls are going to be distributing child porn? Even if it's only one half of the screen? It's a more serious crime than viewing.


Do you really think the trolls who did this care one bit if their distributing child porn is illegal? And I would think with their tech savvy that they would be able to avoid detection anyway.


Do you really think the trolls who did this care one bit if their distributing child porn is illegal? And I would think with their tech savvy that they would be able to avoid detection anyway.

Don't know but I doubt that's what they did, as everyone would be shocked they just saw some child-porn, and blame who sent them it. And not believe them if they said it was Kenny's child-porn, because f---- you you just sent me f---king child porn!

I can see that they could give the police evidence that could lead to Kenny being charged - I can't envisage the scenario we saw, where all Kenny's friends have seen or been told something that they immediately believe - in fact what would have been much better is if he had admitted to the other paedo or someone else that he masturbates to kids, and trolls had taped or filmed that. Still fakeable to a degree, but more convincing than a split-screeen where they show any child-porn (which doesn't necessarily connect to Kenny just because a troll has split the screen and said one thing was happening at the same time as the other), or they use words to describe what Kenny did and show him masturbating, which is just words.


okay then


Okay but Kenny seems to be a minor himself, just getting his learner's permit, can't drive. In essence, filming him doing that is producing/filming child porn. Is Kenny a minor then? Cause that would make him a victim as well as a perpetrator which would enable him to get out of at least some of this. Though honestly I'd just confess if I were a minor. Still I don't see what really indicates he was looking at kiddie porn? I do agree that his reaction means he really REALLY had to be looking at something bad or illegal but I'm not sure if it was underage stuff? Just because it implies that at the end?


Dude watch the scene towards the beginning where he's working and the interaction he has with that underage girl who forgot her toy... Some foreshadow.


His excuse is always "I only watched some pictures". Same as what paedophiles always answer too.


I used to support a call center for a few years and we had software that would simultaneously record the voice of the phone call and what was happening on the computer screen. It was used for training, quality assurance, and legal purposes.

I can't name any specific software packages that record webcam and the screen but there's no reason it doesn't exist as the earliest version of the software I mentioned above was from 2000.

So morals of the story: cover that damn camera and yank your doodle to those in your age bracket!


Well even if he's a minor its still illegal to view a minor.

The bigger issue I see is the virus came about from a chance theft of his sister on his computer (unless this was pointless exposition which would be even worse), than, it recorded him, an innocent at that point person for likely all hours of the day the computer was being used , and filmed him. Regardless of if he were guilty of anything they would have done this, and than these people see him touch himself, again, regardless of what was going to be viewed while happening.

I understand the point that was trying to be made, but honestly, the ending felt empty. The people who did this are far worse off of people than this kid was, or the guy cheating, but the show tried to get us to feel sympathy, than "twist" us by showing everyone was a criminal, and get them on our side because this was internet batman. but it was just really meh. idk, I expected better, I would have been happier if they were just trying to ruin lives, it would have atleast made sense, this just felt petty. love the series, but this is the worst ep to the point second only to nosedive.

