MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > just watched season 1...

just watched season 1...

hey everyone,

just finished watching season one .. it was a great one actually, liked the first & third episodes more than the second one, it was a good one though .

but I do think that I'm missing something in the first episode, Can anyone tell me what's the meaning behind the kidnapping & forcing the PM into a sexual act with pig ?


He was basically a hipster artist who was mad about his obscene "modern art", AKA bullcrap, being censored. So he pulled this lame stunt and committed suicide because he wants to say, "See? I'm really a true artist and people are flocking to see my 'art' broadcast on live television." and the idiots are proving his dead corpse right.


The statement of the artist is that people are sick. Knew that everybody would watch it. That's why he released her in the middle of the city before 'the show' even started. Nobody saw the princes outside, because litteraly everybody was inside watching the president make love to a pig.


'Make love to a pig' ?
