The Problem with S3:
Are the disappointing endings for each episode, wouldn't you agree?
I mostly liked season 3, despite the mixed bunch of episodes. But I found that the conclusions were what stopped me from completely loving a particular episode.
Episodes like Playtest, Man Against Fire, Hated in the Nation are huge examples of this. San Junipero, I personally found to suffer from the same thing (but I know people liked the change of tone, happy ending). Nosedive's ending worked for me, but I can understand why others were disappointed in that one too.
Shut Up and Dance was probably one of the few that had an ending in line with s1-2 of Black Mirror: bleak, a twist at the very end, and further probing moral questions about crime/punishment and/or technology's limits.
In contrast, the endings to Entire History, White Christmas, White Bear, 15 Million Merits etcetc are what really delivered the gut punch and made each episode stand out.
(Sorry if this question/comment has already been broached, i couldn't find anything on the first couple pages)
A rose is just a rose.