Way too many question with San Junipero and too misleading
I really hated San Junipero and not for the reasons that others have stated here already. I feel like the whole beginning of the episode was misleading, especially with the way that the two leads spoke to each other. They talked like they were just normal young girls on vacation. Were they just pretending or something? I also hated it how Yorkie lied to Jessica about being engaged, as if that even mattered. She wasn't really engaged, and why would that stop her from doing anything? Sure, she could have just been using that as an excuse to not sleep with Jessica since she was nervous or something but, she mentioned it again later. She acted like she couldn't stay with Jessica because she had to marry Greg but, she knew she was going in to San Junipero permanently eventually, right? Also why did she tell Jessica that she wouldn't like her in their real lives? What's to not like? She's a damn vegetable or something. Why lie? Just say, "hey, I'm basically comatose so, don't come to see me since that might really bum you out plus, I don't want you to see me that way." How hard is that? I feel like the writers purposely had those characters say what they did for the sole purpose of misleading us and for no other reason. I also have to say that I really didn't like it when Jessica yelled at Yorkie about how she couldn't possibly know what it's like to be with someone for 49 yeas. Uh yeah, she doesn't know because she's been a quadriplegic since she was 21. She's barely done anything at all, there's no need to rub it in her face. She had a point about Yorkie not even asking about it but, that's not her fault, it's the writer's fault, lol. They obviously didn't have Yorkie ask Jessica about her marriage since that would have given away the twist.