MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > National Anthem spoilers - why was the w...

National Anthem spoilers - why was the wife so upset

I understand that people were laughing at her and the entire family. Also, the thought of having sex with a pig is outright disgusting, among other things. That being said, if you actually thought someone was going to die, and did it to save someone's life, how could his wife be so pissed? Although we realize after the fact that the princess was not in danger, no one knew that at the time. Would she really rather see the princess die than to suffer such "embarrassment"? One year later, the people were over the whole episode, and unintentionally, his rating went up because the people felt he sacrificed his dignity to save the princess. But his wife, who played the part of his wife in public, refused to talk to him behind closed doors. I realize the situation was terrible, but would she really rather have the princess die?


Maybe my memory is failing me, but I remember his wife encouraging him to have sex with the pig - "it's already happening in their minds", she says of the public, as if there was no point in the Prime-Minister rejecting doing in real life what everybody has already thought of. If I'm remembering it incorrectly, please, do correct me.


That wasn't encouragement. That was her throwing a tantrum about the situation. She most definitely did not want him to go through with it and was angry that he did it. He may never even have told her that he did it in large part for her safety because he was told his family's safety couldn't be made certain unless he went through with it. Personally, I didn't think she was worth much. If your husband goes through something like that to save a girl's life you should stand by him and love him all the more.

Sometimes evil is just applied stupidity-Ronar


I can't remember - was it specified whether he could wear a condom or not?


His wife will have to live with the pig reference for the rest of her life, tabloid comments - snide whispers at gatherings... No matter the fact that her husband is a kind of hero. There were no good solutions.

What about the pig, they probably cannot kill it afterwards (it will be seen as having sacrificed it's 'dignity' for the 'nation' too and animal rights advocates would want it spared) and if it lives tabloids might track it down and report on it's progress as a way of sideways sniping.


A few years after that episode was made it was revealed that current UK Prime Minister David Cameron as a priveleged student inserted his penis inside a dead pig's head as part of an initiation rite.

I wonder i wonder, where the writers of this episode somehow in the possession of more knowledge than we realise?


I didn't think she was pissed.
I thought she just couldn't look at or talk to him anymore without feeling disgusted. Not because she felt he did the wrong thing, but just because... he screwed a pig.

Which I kind of understand, as depressing as it is.

I'm Kevin Roberts and I'm the coolest bitch in town!


So what did she want? Her husband to say no when the entire country would have turned on him if he had? Should he have gone on the TV and said "I'd do it - but the wife won't have anything to do with me if I do - so I'm just gonna bail" She wouldn't care much for that either.

Wait till he's out of office and divorce her.


I thought my post was pretty clear, but maybe it wasn't.

She didn't think he did the wrong thing, necessarily. Her reaction is more emotional than logical. She simply can't look at him without feeling disgust. At least that's my take on it.

Like, have you ever gotten food poisoning eating a food you liked, and then you just couldn't eat that food anymore, because just looking at it or smelling it reminds you of how sick it once made you?



NO! I got that it was all about HER and what it would mean to HER if he went through with it.

The was a real horrible person...nothing about him or the princess...she was worried about herself and her station in life.


So if your significant other had forced sex with an animal it would not at all change the way that you desire that person or perceive them? I bet that it would.

Tough luck, chinless


I consider what happened to him rape, and I would look at my husband as a rape victim, not as some disgusting man who was into beastiality and desired a pig. He needed support the way a rape victim needed support and she made it about her.



I think a lot of her anger was because he refused to take her calls as the moment of reckoning drew near. Rightly or wrongly, she felt excluded by him at a grave moment in their relationship.



Why so much interest in such a preposterous premise? There are realistic life-and-death dilemmas, including some very embarrassing to politicians, that might have been explored instead. I am guessing it was to increase ratings by appealing to Beavis and Butthead. This episode was a complete waste of time.


Here's my take; He chose career over monogamy. Sounds cruel, but some women would prefer the princess die over an extra-marrital affair with a pig.


Here's my take; He chose career over monogamy. Sounds cruel, but some women would prefer the princess die over an extra-marrital affair with a pig.

I wouldn't restrict it to just women. Plenty of people are too self-absorbed to have a respectable level of empathy. I was watching TWD last night and something similar came up. ***SPOILERS****

Negan decided to take all of the town's weapons, but two ended up missing from the young woman's inventory of the arsenal. He told the town to find the guns or she dies. There was actually a debate about whether they should turn over the guns, if they find them, even though they knew he would carry out the threat, with no hesitation.

People are by nature, self centered (anyone who's taken a basic psychology course has read about experiments proving it) and unless they personally know the person, tend to not think of them as a separate feeling, breathing entity.

Does it surprise me she was more concerned about her own social status than the life of another, no. Does it disappoint, sure. It really says more about her, than him, that he did it.

"the world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does its smartest termite." -Dr. Manhattan
