Misleading *Spoilers*

So In "Shut up and Dance" How do you know that they're kids? The webcam video is literally just Kenny sitting in front of his computer staring at the screen. A webcam on your laptop will record YOU. NOT what you're watching on your laptop screen. So I'm confused. How would all those people know what he was looking at when his webcam video gets "leaked" ? All they would see is a video of Kenny sitting at his desk staring at his laptop fapping away to what could be anything. Especially since Kenny said "pictures" so it's not like it would have been a video with sound. So how in the world was that ending realistic. Am I missing something here?


They take over his whole laptop so they know exactly what he's doing the whole time. They can also access every file on his laptop meaning he probably had files full of images and videos


The conversation with the guy he had to fight with explains it. Watch the scene again. It explains it all.


The other guy explains how they "suck up all of your hard drive" or something. Watch that scene again, Kenny's face goes pale. There's also other clues throughout... the scene with the girl in the beginning's toy, how he chases after her to give it back to her, and stares as she leaves, takes on a creepier undertone. His freaking out at his sister when she's using his laptop, and his reaction to lock/bolt his door. His crying at the tape being distributed, him just shaking his head when the other guy says "how young were they...". Come on, not everything has to be shouted out at you. The guy was a pedo. There were subtle clues all along. Watch it again, I think you'll notice a lot more.


Yeah the girl at the beginning wasn't there for nothing, when I first watched that scene I was thinking he was a paedo as I had already seen a few episodes and knew how dark Black Mirror was.
