MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > White Christmas was AMAZING

White Christmas was AMAZING

Can't believe I waited to watch it until now...for some reason, I kept skipping over it..

Oh my gosh, the whole thing was so perfect.

The ending...ugh...all he has is 1,440,000 years in that cabin, no big whoop...

Poor Joe, he was such a good guy...


A good guy that did some horrible things. He did not report a murder, hid evidence and hosted a service for people to watch and help guys get laid.


That was Matt - joe was rafe spall's character - but your point still stands as he is a murderer!

A total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through


I don't see the service itself as being horrible.


I just watched this myself. Wow. Absolutely blown away.


I did feel bad Joe, after all he went through thinking the child was his. I don't understand why she just couldn't write him a letter explaining the child wasn't his. That child became his obsession and that obsession ended with an unspeakable crime.


Did everyone think Matt's punishment fit his crime?


No, not at all. And I don't think they said - is he going to be blocked by all of humanity now indefinitely?

How is he supposed to shop, if no one can hear what he is saying?

I mean, there are a lot of things he cannot do - how would he hire a plumber, for instance, or any other service? How would he get a haircut?

Besides, how would he survive in general if now he apparently can't work?

Seems to me they didn't think it through.


If I were him I would have asked those questions. It seems like his basic survival relies on his ability to interact with people. I think I would have rather taken a jail term then be blocked for an indefinite period of time. He would almost have to live his life in hiding, what a horrible existence - basically a prison of his own making.


It would only be a fitting punishment if it was for a limited period of time, like for a month.
But as I said, I don't recall them specifying in the episode.


That's the problem, they didn't specify, they said he was going on the sex register list and he was blocked by everyone, it implied it was indefinite. Plus, as we notice his color was red, so I'm guessing everyone around him knows he's on sex offender related block. This seems way extreme, granted what he did was wrong - especially not reporting the poisoning right when it happened. But, he's definitely not a sex offender and that's what they're marking him as by society, which could potentially put his life in danger, this block seems to make it impossible for him to live any kind of normal life. As I said, maybe he should have considered a reasonable jail term.


Yes, this is what bothered me! I appreciate the ep, but I want to know how his life will work out (perhaps there are places that service/see the blocked people? there could definitely be answers to this.)

Also, I find it hard to believe that the other guy was just so frivolously punished, I am sure there would be very strict regulations in place for inmates. It's in society's best interest to make sure everyone is protected from this type of abuse.


No, I don't think it fit his crime.


To an endless loop of "I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday" no less.
This episode has single-handedly ruined that song for me.

Joe was clearly remorseful not to mention disturbed by what he had done. Matt on the other hand, was very sadistic. Yet, he got off light by comparison as his sentence/life is still finite.

Although it is a Cookie of Joe, it is still sentient and conscious. While the episode was very well executed, it was completely *beep* up and extremely dark.


Just came to find a topic to say that Beth was a freaking b*****itch.
Just to hide her being unfaithful she just *beep* up a good man's head. Just for fun.
Same for the father. He couldn't care less.
And how sadistic has a police officer be to torture someone as in the end of the episode?
Still trying to figure out the social message from the episode.

But, anyway, just came to say that she was a b*****itch.


I think the message is apathy. The wife/gf didn't care enough about him to at least admit it wasn't his and then reblock him. Matt didn't care enough about his clients privacy or life or that that woman might murder other people to call the police. And Matt and the police didn't consider people's ai brain scans copies as sentient beings, so they tortured them quite casually like they were Sims. The police, or laws, or policy didn't think through the issue of someone being blocked when on the sex offender list indefinitely, and didn't care either. And Joe didn't consider that girl as his daughter(which granted she wasn't), and ended up in denial and neglected her after he lashed out and killed the grandfather.
It's terrible *beep* people already kind of do, made more possible and on a grander scale by technology.


Apathy. Good point. More deeply: being able to tune someone out, temporarily and then legally/permanently rather than dealing with them makes it an easy out.

Some other thoughts:

Matt actually seemed like a semi-decent person, and he WAS trying to help and he DID try to get his "client" to leave when things started to go south. And seriously, what were the odds of the woman not only being deranged and suicidal, but deciding to effectively murder someone on the way out? Of course, the back-and-forth pushed her right over. Talk about unintended consequences!

So everyone has cool eye implants? Also, when they block him from EVERYONE, that could probably only lead to him being utterly reliant on public assistance to survive, and likely suicide? I mean no contact with anyone, AND he's tagged red as a pariah?

Lastly, the whole "cookie" and torture and enslavement of an encapsulated personality was such an amazing idea for an episode on top of the above that it almost seems like a waste (to me) to add it to the episode.
