MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Nosedive is a white girl's wet dream

Nosedive is a white girl's wet dream



more like white girls nightmare


No, it is a white girl's dream. Trust me: I'm a white girl and I don't believe I'm applicable. But if the world of "Nosedive" were reality and I were born into it, I'd probably do a bit of what the main character does merely to appease. Well, I'd probably end up like the bus driver. But I know white girls, and they basically do this already.

Pufduff, I see what you're saying, though. Because of how the episode played out — buisinesses and companies intertwine with this "rating" system of individual people/façade/personality. It's worse than a credit report, worse than a criminal profile. It's your social media profile.

P.S. I read in a previous thread (here: that China does this. Is this true? Do the Chinese girls love it like white women would?



It's true on the "harmonized" part, though it's just a form of censorship. Chinese government does control their people's points of view but I believe many other countries also do, so it's not as horrifying as the rating system in Nosedive.
I don't know any white girls in my life, but I do believe the desire of having others' compliment is universal, they hate when someone doesn't "like" their post on social media, so they will take revenge to "unlike" the person.


How on earth is it a dream? It's a nightmare, never having the opportunity to be genuine, always worrying about how others perceive you, etc. That anyone would call this reality a dream is disturbing.


more like white girls nightmare
This white girl also considers it a nightmare.

"I know this ain't gonna sound good, but I just shot two people."



Imagine if you called this a "black girl's nightmare"? The post would be deleted so fast.

But yes, to answer your post, this basically sums up the world of American whites, in general, trying to fake happiness and positivity at all costs.


Imagine if you called this a "black girl's nightmare"? The post would be deleted so fast.

But yes, to answer your post, this basically sums up the world of American whites, in general, trying to fake happiness and positivity at all costs.
Isn't that a huge generalisation? I'm sure there's a lot of those types of girls out there (those "stupid girls" from Pink's song) and it does seem like an ever increasing trend to be all about image but I think there's also a lot of less shallow people out there fighting against this.

Think about the goths and the emos and the geeks - all those have also become more mainstream in their banding together against the perceived "popular girl". So now there's white girls fighting against this white girl stereotype!

And yes, I'm very surprised the thread didn't get censored or deleted. I'm sure if it had said the "black girl's 'poor me' attitude" as a sweeping generalisation of black people always bringing up the race card (when I'm sure just as many don't reference their race, as those that do) - then it would have been deemed racist and deleted.
