MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > So brilliant, these episodes really get ...

So brilliant, these episodes really get under my skin

Its uncanny how these episodes lodge themselves in my psyche and refuse to leave for days. I feel this way about the original Twilight Zone episodes too, sharing of course the theme of human instinct being peeled back and exposed in some weird, disturbing way. Its weird how so few films manage to create that same feeling, its more unique and original than I feel it should be (if that makes sense). The human condition feels oddly glossed over in most films these days.


Maybe it's because the episodes are rarely about the future tech itself. That's not the point. It's how people still haven't evolved from caveman days and abuse this new technology just as maliciously and viciously as ancient cavemen would.

Also as seen in the last episode, creating realistic, plausible destruction on a scale unimaginable in pre-technology days.


It is glossed over now because thinking gets in the way of gratuitous violence and car chases. Hollywood is all about making money on us rooting for the good guys vs the bad guys...they never want us to think the bad guys may, at times, be ourselves.
