I liked the episode for its structure and suspense; as a writer I thought it was well done, but it was shallow as hell. The issue I had was, this society could not sustain itself. In the beginning, she has something like 58 votes, so if you consider how many she gets in one day, this whole thing was only implemented last week. So why would things like loans be based on it? Or, if it's been going on for longer, maybe after a while, votes drop off. In that case, the question is the same? Why base loans off of it?
I think the question is valid. Do we rely too much on ratings of things? There was a website that popped up earlier this year or last year that wanted to be like "Yelp but for people." A bunch of people joined to down-rate the founder because it was a frelling stupid idea. So we've already been there and done that. It wouldn't take off. It wouldn't hold water. It just wouldn't work. What I love about Black Mirror is, it's about stuff that would work. And this one simply wouldn't.
I can't get past that. This one is the worst of the bunch. Which isn't saying much as I loved all six. This one is just more flawed than the others. Although Men Against Fire had a flawed ending. Or did it? Guess it depends on how you look at it.
- Dark Reality