hated nosedive

Not in terms of that it was a really bad episode, although I do think it was one of the more weaker episodes.

But because I could actually see this happening in the future. TBH all social media today is exactly for this, just without the extremes that it doesn't count as actual money or material possession.

Basically, I definitely think this future is most realistic of what may actually happen within society. It seems to have already started so let's see how it all unfolds.


That made me love the episode! I don't think it will happen in quite the same way though (if it does at all). It was probably my favourite though there are strong contenders.

The world really sucked me in. I was living in that girl's world and it was really terrifying - but also extremely liberating come the end. It's an interesting thing - some other BM episodes are probably better on paper but something about the episode drew me in like no other.


I loved Nosedive, but I felt uncomfomfortable when I watched it. How often do all of us hit the LIKE button on FB or Twitter, not because we actually liked a post, but to look like a good friend, or worse, to buy future votes for our own dumb posts? I know I have done it. I saw myself in Lacey and not in a good way.

I'm sure lots of you guys will say "I NEVER do that! I'm a (fill in blank...loner, *beep* blah blah) but we all do it at some level. Ever since watching this episode, my time on FB has shrunk dramatically. I don't want to be that person. I also don't want to stare at my phone or pad all day like the people in the episode (and like everyone around us these days). Staring at things other people think funny or interesting, while the real world just blows by, unnoticed.

Et lux perpetua luceat eis


I didn't like it when I first saw it, but the next day I couldn't stop thinking about it and said "Damn that was pretty good"


I too didn't like it when I saw it for the first time, but later, this little thought occurred: if you look at it as though it were not the future of the current time line, but the present in an alternate time line, it would make more sense. What do you think?

Goodgoodness-163-381912 Rated 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


But because I could actually see this happening in the future. TBH all social media today is exactly for this, just without the extremes that it doesn't count as actual money or material possession.

Basically, I definitely think this future is most realistic of what may actually happen within society. It seems to have already started so let's see how it all unfolds.

Full agree with you here. It's terrifying.

Someone in another thread (this thread: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2085059/board/nest/262617275 - exact post here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2085059/board/nest/262617275?d=262632960#262632960) pointed out that China is already doing this.



I liked the episode for its structure and suspense; as a writer I thought it was well done, but it was shallow as hell. The issue I had was, this society could not sustain itself. In the beginning, she has something like 58 votes, so if you consider how many she gets in one day, this whole thing was only implemented last week. So why would things like loans be based on it? Or, if it's been going on for longer, maybe after a while, votes drop off. In that case, the question is the same? Why base loans off of it?

I think the question is valid. Do we rely too much on ratings of things? There was a website that popped up earlier this year or last year that wanted to be like "Yelp but for people." A bunch of people joined to down-rate the founder because it was a frelling stupid idea. So we've already been there and done that. It wouldn't take off. It wouldn't hold water. It just wouldn't work. What I love about Black Mirror is, it's about stuff that would work. And this one simply wouldn't.

I can't get past that. This one is the worst of the bunch. Which isn't saying much as I loved all six. This one is just more flawed than the others. Although Men Against Fire had a flawed ending. Or did it? Guess it depends on how you look at it.

- Dark Reality


This isn't happening in the future. This is happening now. Firstly I honestly believe they copied and pasted how people in Asia are living right now. In China this rings more true as they will begin a social experiment of a point system for its citizens. The higher rate of points you have, the more benefits and rights you will have access to. The less rate of points, you will be denied certain rights such as Internet.

As for how fake these people are, this is already epidemic in all parts of the world; doubly so in the developed 1st world countries.


I liked the episode as a whole but I did find it somewhat frustrating. I didn't relate to the character all that much. I wouldn't have made the choices she made so it was hard for me to empathize for her. Like someone mentioned earlier it was shallow episode or about that specific mentality and I realize it was done to make a point but I kind of pride myself on not being that type of person anyway so... I just didn't enjoy it to the fullest.

"The entire history of you" I can relate to. I have felt those feelings in a relationship. Even other episodes I could imagine myself in their position. Like politician who had to fook the pig. Or in White Christmas with the guy that thought he had a daughter and then ended up killing a little girl by accident. And even the girl who was being for punished for being a part of murdering a girl and didn't really have memory of it. I can even imagine myself in that position.... Just minus the murdering children part.


I hated it. The 'fakeness' of the people esp Bryce's character just drove me nuts. I couldn't finish it. It was just too annoying and over the top. I went on Wiki to see how the ep ended and I went 'meh'. I think I made a good decision to turn it off. :)

The next day tho, like the one poster said, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I kept thinking " how could a bunch of talented writers make something so terrible and annoying". :)

