just watched season 2

Have to say,white Christmas was the only really great episode,the others (Especially Waldo) just didn't have the same going for it.They seemed like ideas too based on allegory and not enough about an actually good story

Not to say they're necessarily bad but they just didn't quite live up to previous episodes like 15 million merits.

Did anyone else have the same opinion about season 2?


Not remotely.

I was going to say it's automatically the best one, since the premiere episode is so bad, and because Season 3 is over twice as long, but I disagree with that kneejerk reaction as well. I'm partial to all but one episode in the latest season.

Just because "Fifteen Million Merits" is so good doesn't mean we have to give extra credit to "The Entire History of You"

"White Bear" and "Be Right Back" are genuinely excellent.

Black Mirror has a great track record, I don't see any reason for disappointment in general.

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


I liked the narrative device used in White Christmas and the way all the storylines came together, but the idea of blocking people was way too problematic and there's no way it would work in real life, especially as a criminal punishment, and for that reason the episode wasn't as good as it could have been. And while the criminal punishment in White Bear was just as far fetched and much more elaborate, there was clearly more thought put into it and I can kind of see how it would work in real life, if the general public was vindictive enough to continually fund it.


yes, Season 2 is the weakest of the 3 seasons. i don't consider White Christmas Season 2 either.

Waldo is the worse episode in the series.

i don't even know the name of S2E1, that's generally weaker than similar style episodes like "Entire History of You" and "San Junipero".

White Bear is the best of season 2 but it's rarely mentioned as anyone's all time favorite.


Waldo is far better than San Junipero and the rest of S3. Best ep of S2 if you dont include White Xmas too.


White Bear and Be Right Back are my favorites, with White Christmas a close third, of the entire series. 15 Million Merits, and the social media rating episode of season 3, are my least favorites. I haven't hated any eps yet though. BM seems to have something for everyone.
