
if that episode wasn't the first one, i bet people would like it less. i was so pumped to watch the new season, that i convinced myself it was great... but as i kept watching, it ended up being the 2nd worst to me. BDH's character, while intentional, was really friggin annoying. The premise was solid, but i don't know, it's not one that left any mark on me.

Kinda bums me out that Mike Schurr wrote it, b/c i think that guy's a comedic genius... I'll just blame it on Rashida Jones.


This episode would be a thousand times better if they picked a better personality for the protagonist, someone that wanted to get out of this system somehow, or just didnt care about it, the truck driver would be a good option.


Or the brother. He didn't give a crap about the point system and still lived a happy comfortable life in the 3 range.


If they picked a "better" personality similar to the brother or the truck driver, then what would have been the stakes? Throughout the show, we see that stars not only have a subjective value but a quantitative value. Examples: 20% off the rent at a desirable residence, access to a flight that was overbooked, employment opportunities, etc. By having the protagonist value the benefits the stars provide both internally and externally, there is motivation to accomplish a goal with an obstacle.

I think it's possible that other stories could be told in the same universe close to what you're saying. If someone wanted to get out of the system, what would stand in their way? (Since it seems a lot easier to go from 4 to 1 than 3 to 4.) Despite that, I don't think in finding out what that story would be that's a thousand times better means that "Nosedive" shouldn't exist.


The first eps of Seasons 1&3 were disappointing to me and they were my lowest rated eps.

Thank goodness I kept watching, because, overall, Black Mirror is some brilliant TV.

But Nosedive and Anthem are just awfully hard to get through.


IMO Nosedive is a really great episode, you can really relate it with the way society works nowadays, especially with the fake act that people show toward each other throughout the movie.


IMO Nosedive is a really great episode, you can really relate it with the way society works nowadays, especially with the fake act that people show toward each other throughout the movie.
