Nosedive - 7 great idea, great atmosphere, good acting, below average execution, lame ending.
Playtest - 3 average idea (the horror game that develops based on your reactions/fears is great but nothing was done with it), not much going for it in general, very forgettable
Shut Up and Dance - 9 solid concept, great execution, very good and important topic and way they approached it
San Junipero - 7 idea is ok, it was made really well, I originally liked it much more than after I cooled off from it a bit, don't hate the ending, since it relies so much on their characters I am not sure if their relationship really had the depth it required
Men Against Fire - 4 simple point, but they beat you to death with it, ending kind of dumb
Hated in the Nation - 7 pretty good apart from the end, but the impression fades with time
As for the three sevens, I'd say this: Despite its many flaws Nosedive stays more memorable than Hated in the Nation which was technically better, and makes a better overall point. I didn't like it right after watching and would actually rate it higher as the time goes by as opposed to for instance San Junipero which I initially loved but then found more and more flaws with.