The Sampler's Motivation (Spoiler)
OK, I understand enough of this movie to be satisfied, with one exception... what was the motivation of The Sampler to kill the baby pigs in the river?
Wile I can accept that everyone in the film is unwittingly part of something larger than they are (perpetuating the life cycle of the organism), I do not understand The Sampler's want/need to kill the pigs.
Overall, The Sampler is a "good" character. He has the ability to help the sampled, and then gets the added benefit of observing their lives through his pigs. While he is a voyeur, he does not act maliciously, and his murder at the end of the film is in fact a tragedy.
So, if he is at heart a gentle, helpful soul, why kill the pigs? He apparently knows nothing of the affect this will have on the orchids, nor would he have anything to gain by that if he did know. Also, as much as he enjoys observing the lives of the sampled, I find it hard to believe he is actually out to create more of them.
Maybe I am missing the point, but is the killing of the pigs solely to advance the story?