MovieChat Forums > The Imitation Game (2014) Discussion > Did Christopher really die?

Did Christopher really die?

The few times I've seen this movie, I actually believed that Christopher, Alan's boyhood friend at school, died of Bovine Tuberculosis, but now I'm thinking that he didn't, but that Christopher's parents kept him away from the school and the headmaster was perfectly fine with that as they didn't want a homosexual relationship going on at such a "fine" school, for all the scandal it would cause, especially in the 1920s. This must be the case, judging by Alan's angry reaction to the news.

Fucking homophobes, they ruined a great man's life, just because he wasn't sexually "normal".


Christopher Morcom was a real person who died of bovine TB in 1930.


Oh, OK. So I was right in the first place. So why was Alan so angry? Or was it that he couldn't accept it and was lashing out? Poor guy.


Someone he loved died
