I'm not particularly pro or anti Apple, so I didn't fall into those groups. A good film stirs up debate, entertains, inspires, or educates. Personally I think I found the movie a bit depressing as it didn't really do any of those for me, and searching for Fact Checks confirmed my personal opinion that it wasn't balanced or even provocative. As a movie about Apple, I would like to have seen some balance of his autocratic style or inventive failures with his remarkable business acumen or how some of his inventions changed the world. As a movie anout the person I would like to have seen some balance between his personal failures and his unsung contributions to charity and his words (largely I understand from his Zen Buddhism) that have inspired millions, both in business and in facing death. I'm not a massive fan of the Oscars, but I think on this occasion they were correct in not honouring it. It was a subject unsuited to an otherwise brilliant director's style and, although dramatised in a novel way, his reach was a bit beyond his grasp. Fine performances nevertheless.