MovieChat Forums > Steve Jobs (2015) Discussion > 4 out of 10...should have been a great m...

4 out of 10...should have been a great movie.

The story and character of Jobs is utterly fascinating, but man, did they bungle this.

First, the acting. Except for Jeff Daniels, it seemed all were of the "Master Thespian!" school of overacting. Seth Rogen was terrible as Woz. Just so overacting as the Rain Man, bumbling social retard genius. Winslett almost as bad with the over emoting and Fassbinder just seemed to try to look like Jobs and thought that was all he needed. It felt to me they were reading off of a script as it was being filmed.

Second, the writing was so terrible. Such a connect the dots story and the dialogue so phony sounding. To me they just never got behind Jobs, just a clichéd story of a driven guy who was a jerk but sorta kinda loveable but tortured.

I did not read the book, but why did they end the movie before the IPad and then IPhone? Jobs was basically not very influential till that. Woz and Sculley actually were far more right than Jobs most of the time. Not until Jobs was forced to streamline the company and the IPad which led to the IPhone did Jobs become the worldwide phenom. Woz was always more correct about how the Apple and Mac should have been built.

In spite of the flaws I actually still like the movie on some levels as the story as is is still great. I just wish it had been put in more capable hands and they had fast forwarded a bit to what is truly The Event, the invention of the IPhone.


Not trying to be cruel, but everything you said is some of the dumbest crap I've ever read.


I don't care if you are cruel. But I think it's funny you are an idiot who thinks they are smart and clever.


I watched this one a few weeks ago and now I'm watching the one with Ashton Kutcher, well trying to. I can agree with some of your points but this movie is better than Ashton, at least for me. I just can't seem to stay interested in Jobs. I like Josh Gad but not as Woz, everything just seems forced in that movie.


Just so overacting as the Rain Man, bumbling social retard genius.
Really? I thought this was actually a flattering portrayal of Woz. Jobs calls him Rain Man but I never got the sense that he was particularly awkward or unusual. He spent a lot of time advocating for the Apple II guys and standing up to Steve. To me he came across as the hero of his little subplot...
Such a connect the dots story and the dialogue so phony sounding. To me they just never got behind Jobs, just a clichéd story of a driven guy who was a jerk but sorta kinda loveable but tortured.
Yeah, well that's kind of Sorkin's wheelhouse. Cutesy clever dialogue and brilliant white guys who are also a$$holes. This wasn't even close to his best work, but it had its moments.
why did they end the movie before the IPad and then IPhone?
Because this movie wasn't really about the rise and rise of Steve Jobs? We already know how that story goes. We know how it ends. This was about his relationships with the people he loved, or 'refused' to love. I found that a pleasant surprise...

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."
