I was okay with her voice and her acting. My main issue was with her look. I don't know how old Daisy is, but for some reason in this it felt like she was too old for the part. I don't know if it was the makeup combined with the closeup work of the camera's for filming or if she was just really tired due to the hectic rehearsal schedule and what not, but she looked like she had some bags under her eyes and it was a little off-putting to me (Meg to me has always been this young (well, younger than Christine) fresh-faced innocent girl)
Just my opinion though
"You were made to be ruled. In the end...it will be every man for himself." ~Loki (Avengers Teaser Trailer)
"I'm a god. Recalibrate your statistics" ~Tom Hiddleston online chat with Empire (regarding 7 to 1/Avengers vs. Loki being unfair)