I had the stomach flu this week and because of that was parked on the couch in recovery. I stumbled upon this on Netflix and thought I'd give it a shot (I've been a fan of the show for longer than I can remember). I wasn't expecting much, but it's one of my favorite shows and it was something to pass the time that I didn't have to put a lot of mental energy towards.

I was so pleasantly surprised at the quality of this show. I have never, NEVER heard the main characters and thought that ALL of them were fantastic. I have never heard anyone sing Christine that I actually really enjoy (sorry, Sarah) and in my experience the men playing the Phantom and Rauol can be so hit and miss. In this case I loved all three of them and it was SO refreshing, especially after the embarrassing debacle that was the movie that came out ten years ago this year (has it really been that long??).

I didn't realize when I clicked on it that this was THE 25th anniversary one and was so excited at the last 20 minutes or so of the original cast and crew coming out to delight us all. It definitely made me feel a lot better watching it! And I'm so relieved that I have a quality performance of this show now at my beck and call so I don't have to rely on the horrid movie anymore to get any kind of Phantom fix.

Am I the only one who absolutely loved and adored this or did other people have major issue with it? It wasn't perfect by any means, but as someone who has extremely high expectations/standards for this show, I was so surprised that it gauged so well on my meter.

Dangeresque 2: This Time, It's Not Dangeresque 1


No, almost everyone I know who has seen the 25th at Royal Albert have pretty much the same reaction as you. It was breathtaking.
