The first half hour of the first episode ...
I don't think this is going to last to two seasons, at least I hope not.
It is so slow moving, and every other lines has some weird thing wrong with it. Perry Mason acting like an idiot in court at a time when that would get him thrown into jail for contempt. Buying a tie from a coroner off a dead guy?
I guess having been raised on Raymond Burr as Perry Mason and always enjoying every show that was of such high quality, this seems lightweight and slipshod.
Perry Mason goes to interview a client family and sneaks around in their house, taking pictures with a camera as loud as a slap in the face, and then lighting up a cigarette in their house. People just did not do that back then.
Maybe there will be some miraculous redemption in the second half of the episode, or maybe I will give it a chance and watch another one.
From what I've seen I'd give it a 2/10.