Director and Modelling Director rants
As you probably know already this movie has taken quite a beating from the critics in Japan.
More unfortunate is the makers' reaction to the critical panning.
Here's some quotes:
Modelling Director
Everyone says Hollywood movies are great! Well, then they can go right ahead and watch nothing but Hollywood movies! Movies with high budgets and a lot of advanced techniques are great, aren’t they? Especially movies with high budgets! You should watch movies that have been hit in the face with stacks of cash! People who like to compare Hollywood and Japanese movies really enjoy that sort of thing, right?
I’m sorry, but deciding what movies to see based on their budget, and comparing everything to Hollywood, that’s like how some people feel secure buying Okame natto [one of the most popular brands of natto in Japan] when they go to the supermarket.They have that absolutist ideology where if everyone says it’s good, they believe it’s good too. I think I’ve got it now, Thanks!
Awesome! I had no idea what I’d do if the great-teacher movie critic actually praised us, so I feel so relieved now. Er, what I meant to say is, who’s the idiot who gave this guy an early release of the film?!
One of the critics' review that angered the director:
The only character who gets away with being funny while acting stupid is Hans...all the other characters, the story, and the direction is just as stupid as she is” and "I wished the titans would eat the kids so the movie would just end
Reading this I kind of feel bad for the director but then again, he made it and it doesn't look too promising based on the trailers.
I am extremely worried for the film's sequel.
But oh well. Let this be a lesson. share