
In 100 years since that last attack. Why didn't they spend that time building underground war bunkers?


Because then there would be no story/movie/anime/manga.


otc194, i wondered the same thing. i understand that since it's been 100 years that the people may have relaxed a little but these people were completely unprepared for even dealing with a smaller titan let alone the larger ones (not to mention a whole herd of titans attacking en mass).


They spent all there time on building the wall. Which worked against normal titans...that huge red titan was something they never knew existed and it broke the wall which allowed the normal titans to get in.


It does not break the wall. It "merely" kicks in the door of that particular wall, allowing the Titans to enter.


People have to understand that movie and TV adaptations are not always going to be faithful to every detail of a book, manga, comic, or any other source material. And that's ok as long as the end result is entertaining. Its perfectly fine to change details that are not critical to the main plot.

Why? Why are you so hung up on kicking in a door vs kicking a hole in a wall. The end result is pretty much the same and there is no incredibly deep symbolism that was missed by making it a hole in the wall. Being a fanboy is the same as being an annoying know it all who's favorite word in the world is "Actually" because they always want to correct you. Even when it's unnecessary.


"People have to understand that movie and TV adaptations are not always going to be faithful to every detail "

But that is not the problem. There are a large number of major plot elements that the movie left out. Fact.

"Its perfectly fine to change details that are not critical to the main plot."

Except THEY ARE critical to the main plot, which is not about Eren. You are pretending to have read the anime.

"Why? Why are you so hung up on kicking in a door vs kicking a hole in a wall."

You never watched the anime nor have you read the manga, have you? Anyone who has knows that very obvious answer. This is why i ask the question -- to root you shills out. And it worked on you. 

This is your profile: http://www.imdb.com/user/ur62533917/ it is brand new.

Your first post using this sock puppet account is an attempt to "call me out" ... you got busted instead. 


I'm a huge fan of the anime and while I haven't really read the manga that doesn't mean I'm wrong about people stressing details that are not that important. Almost the same story can be told whether its kicking a hole in the wall or kicking a gate down. It's just about the same story if Eren picks up a boulder or uses his strength to collapse the wall to seal the hole. Why to fanboys want to watch the same exact story over and over forever and ever. It's the little changes that make adaptations fun. Now I agree there are things in this movie that are dumb but as a whole it's cool to see a different spin on a story I like. I know fanboys that hated the Lord of the Rings movies because PJ changed things from the book. They'd need 3 more movies twice as long if they wanted everything from the books. Isn't it enough to have a fun version of your story onscreen that keeps most of the tale you know?

Also by gates do you mean districts? Like Trost? Yeah the movie left out the 2 stage titan attack Colossal and Armored to break down the gate but I was totally fine with that. It's the kind of change that was fine. If they introduce the Armored titan later cool, if not fine. If you're talking about the titans in the walls I'm cool with that being left out as well

BTW what the hell is calling you out and busted mean? I'm giving my opinion on entertainment. I really don't give a damn who wins an argument on the internet. I do dislike fanyboy like comments because its hard to deal with people with sheep like mentalities and lack imagination and the ability to appreciate innovation, and who's only joy in life is to win internet arguments against people who don't want to argue. But that's just me. If it makes you happy go ahead and chalk this up as a win. Don't bother to reply because I don't plan on reading anything more from this thread.


So you are cool with leaving out major plot points ... good to know which "side" you are on.

You are an idiot! But at least you did some homework and found out what was in the walls.

P.S. "I know fanboys that hated the Lord of the Rings movies because PJ changed things from the book."

This is why you are a shill -- you are trying to make this out to be a great movie like the LotR movies. FAIL! epic fail


Unfortunately I'm getting emails from IMDB (I need to remember to turn that off) I really love being called an idiot so I'm responding ;) .. even though I said I wouldn't :p

AGAIN I'm not trying to win anything. I'm putting my opinion out there. The point I'm trying to make but you seem to not understand is that this is a movie based upon Attack on Titans manga and Anime not a recreation of the manga or anime. This is an interpretation. No the quality isn't up there with LOTR but the point is the same. People will complain when stories are transferred from one media to another. There was a lot wrong with this movie but there was a lot that was fun and that they got right. If I saw this and never saw the manga I'd be entertained in that guilty pleasure way of watching a campy horror movie or monster flick. Having watched the manga I thought they captured the dread pretty well and it was cool to see them zipping around with their ODM gear. My overall point is that fanboys like yourself can't take simple pleasure in what is made. It's a sorry existence when you have to over analyze everything that's is based on your beloved stories.

Go watch the Project A-KO movies. Or any Anime movie based on a long running series. Continuity errors and fact out changes are rampant in Japanese media. The Japanese love change and continuity is less important than having fun with a story. As far as western stories, take Game of Thrones for example. The show has deviated greatly from the books in the last couple seasons and has been the better for it.

My final thoughts on this (yes you can have the last word again after this) is this isn't a great movie or even the best possible adaptation (That tossing a titan scene was just ridiculous) but I enjoyed it more than I thought I would and would recommend it to non fanboy fans of the anime. Stop being so negative about things that are not that important in life. If you think this movie is so bad invent a drinking game with some friends while watching it.. Like taking a sip every time someone is eaten. I do hope you have friends you can enjoy these kinds of things with.

What do you think of the Marvel/Attack on Titan crossover?


I don't think barney has any friends... just stick him on ignore... I'm pretty sure hes just trolling anyway :P


"Stop being so negative about things that are not that important in life."

You mean like the way you started an argument with me and called me a fanboy?

*beep* you 



Movie wise because it's a stupid plot.
Anime/Manga wise, I think they sort of did, but there's a major reason why most people don't live in it. (and since I don't read the manga I don't know what it is yet).

At the end of the S1 you see one titan INSIDE the 3rd wall, where he should not be able to get any energy since there wouldn't be any sun going through... Now why is it there? is anything else there? no clue in the anime (maybe in the manga though)

The texts that is at the middle of the last episode makes you think that there is some huge government thing going on... Way more than the average people (and us the viewers) know about. The walls go super deep in the ground, so deep a pro miner could not get to the bottom of it... and once he found out that he suddenly disappeared... and so did his friend that reported the miner's disappearance...

In the movie we don't know what year it takes place, but it seems somewhat current so I guess they could have done something... but they don't want to use technology so maybe that's why?
In the anime we have no clue of the time period... but I'm sure it'd be feasible.


"no clue in the anime (maybe in the manga though)"

The manga explains it all, why they are inside the walls and what happened to that miner.

The anime is very specific about the time period. 2000 years in the future. You just have to pay very close attention and understand who is who in the title of the 1st episode "To You, 2000 years From Now."


Hmmmm I had not paid attention to the title.
I don't get it though.
"You" would most likely be us the viewers, though it doesn't have to be.
Assuming it is, we are 2000 years later? That doesn't seem right, as their technology is not that old.
Or is it the other way, 2000 years after us? That'd be possible if they lost technology like I had guessed. Since I don't know much about the next 2 millenniums, it does not help me much either :)


It HAS to be in the future, all of humanity is walled in, not just Japanese folk.


Here in Sweden we haven't had a war in a long time. So not only haven't we expended the military we have cut it down substantially.
If the Russians attacked we would be almost completely defenseless.

This is the drawback of peace. They even talk about it in the movie, that safety is the real enemy.
