MovieChat Forums > Shingeki no kyojin (2015) Discussion > I watched part 2, you guys were right, i...

I watched part 2, you guys were right, it was bad

I was a VERY big fan of part 1, it seemed to be the perfect set up for an amazing sequel. the first movie did a great job of condensing the anime, cutting out excess material and switching around details in order to highlight the obvious arcs (namely mikasa and eren).

The second film basically ignored all that. Eren's ability to turn to a titan was shoehorned in and not really adequately explored. if they had just included that scene with Eren's father in part 1, it would have set it up better (much like the anime did). The other titan shifters had really no explanation for their titan shifting abilities, especially considering both of the shifters were on opposite sides.
Mikasa and Eren's relationship was largely ignored, until mikasa randomly pulls out eren's scarf, and is now apparently in love with him instead of the new character, because the new character is, well, evil. their return to one another basically just happens because it happens.
The explanation for how the titans came to be started off much more interesting than the anime, but kidna nose dived into something rather meaningless. the government making titans makes sense, but it just randomly escaping is annoying. the least they could have done is played with the theme of a corrupt government playing with things they don't understand, mirroring the current government in the titan world.
Which leads me to my next point, i dont remember much if any reference to the actual government in the AoT world in the first movie, so when the government is revealed to be the super villains it fell amazingly flat. considering how dystopian Eren's town feels, it could have been great, but they didn't really bother talking about the government or issues within the walls at all, other than that people are excited for an exploration out the wall.
The final battles weren't so bad. They weren't even far off from the anime, but to be honest that bumms me out. i like the hopelessness, the horror, the scope of one tiny human trying to stand against these colossal man eaters. Part 1 was great because of the focus on titan carnage. Part 2 was mostly just two giants fighting, and although they were 'deformed' its not nearly as interesting as watching two actual monsters fight. it just looked like two humans fighting.

all in all, not fun, at least we got the creep factor from part 1.

until we meet again~


cool. gonna watch it.

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste


i liked both films equally.

... and i'm glad they didn't kill off Hange(even though no one showed any concern that she was still in the vehicle while they were planning to blow up that area). she was my favourite thing about the films.


So....Mikasa went back to Eren?

Hard for me to tell for sure because I didn't see the movie and there are no full summaries of the 2nd movie yet (unlike the first one).


Where did you watch it? It's not in theaters anywhere near me and i can't find it anywhere online.


It was a limited release for both parts.

It's no longer available in theaters.


"the first movie did a great job of condensing the anime, cutting out excess material "

It did a TERRIBLE job of that. It condensed the time by cutting out NECESSARY material. Material necessary for part 2 to stand on ... whoops.


you whine so much that you actually loved it. Whoops

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste


Post ignored
This message has been hidden because the poster is in your ignore list: Flamboyant_Little_Devil

Too many shills on this board trying to trick people in spending their hard earned time and money. I put them on ignore, like this clown who stalks and harrasses me because i won't go away. 


Post read and then pretend to be on "ignored"
You decided to pretend to "hide" this message because the poster Flamboyant_Little_Devil drilled you a bunch of new ass holes

Fixed it for you
Too many shills on this board trying to trick people in spending their hard earned time and money. I put them on ignore, like this clown who stalks and harrasses me because i won't go away

^^^^^says I stalk him, yet says he doesn't go away. Hilarious Troll is hilarious. 

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
