Woody Allen and Roman Polanski
Woody Allen famously (or infamously) ran off in the early 90's with his then-girlfriend's 21-year-old daughter. This was definitely a sleazy thing to do. However, he then got accused of molesting his OWN 7-year-old daughter. Maybe he was guilty; nobody really knows. The point is it simply doesn't follow that because a middle-age man would have sex with an attractive 21 year old, that he would ALSO molest a 7-year-old blood relative. Many guys might like their girlfriends to wear high-heel pumps to bed, but that doesn't automatically mean they are dangerous perverts who would tackle a strange woman on the street and steal her shoes. This is kind of the point of this documentary--you can't just CONFLATE the normal desires of all males with the dangerous desires of pedophiles and other violent perverts.
The Woody Allen thing came up again when Mariel Hemingway recently revealed (for some reason) the director hit on her when she was 18 while filming "Manhattan". But a lot of guys might hit on a pretty 18 year old, and probably no straight guy would turn one down. At best this proves Woody Allen might have been an ephebophile (a person with a perverse attraction to teenagers) in the 1970's, but you could draw THAT conclusion simply from the fact that he made "Manhattan" and it was somewhat autobiographical. The problem is pretty much ALL men are somewhat attracted to older teenage girls--an ephebophile simply PREFERS teenage girls to older women. But the salient point is NEITHER of them is necessarily a pedophile. Again, whether Allen is guilty of molesting his daughter or not, it is anti-male bullsh!t to assume the Hemingway incident "proves" anything at all.
And yes, I know Allen's now-adult daughter still claims to have been molested. But there unfortunately are clear cases of false memories being implanted in children and even adults. But again, the point is not whether Allen is guilty, the point is simply being a heterosexual MALE with questionable sexual morals does not automatically make him guilty of being an incestuous child molester.