Really? 3.7?

This is a brilliant film. Darkly humorous, great acting, shocking, and filled with twists. I don't understand how Paranormal Activity has a higher rating than this.

Watch it. Now. It's brilliant.


Paranormal Activity was scary to many many people. It had stuff happen that really creeped people out, like the scenes where the woman would stand by the bed slowly swaying for hours.

This movie had no scary parts and no funny parts. It was going for "cool plot twist" with the whole thing being a prank and then suddenly being real, but it didn't really surprise anyone.



Don't feed the marketers.


Paranormal Acitivity and sequels are horribly dull and as scary as a good bout of watching paint dry!

However, I am sorry but this not 'brilliant'. It's better than P.A though. At least it has a little action and it's always a bonus to see a bully cop it sweet in the realm of fantasy.


I thought it was a good film,i really like these lesser known films. I was confused towards the last few minutes but overall i liked it


Agreed. Paranormal Craptivity had nothing going for it.

"Into every life a little coffee must spill."


this film is pure garbage, and don't even get me started on the close ups of those ugly idiots' faces, ugh I'm still vomitting

2/10 with good will


The movie itself has massive potential. I have to agree about the dark humour, but everything else i disagree on. Acting was dreadful, just straight up *beep* Shocking? no.. Filled with twists? i knew from the getgo how the movie would end, and when they started the "prank", i could tell you which scene would come when. And I agree on your title: "Really? 3.7?". Because in my opinion, a flat 2 is just the perfect score.


Great acting? Were we watching the same film?


I think it's worth more than 3.7, but not much.

I found every character, with maybe the exception of Chunk, intensely dislikeable, killing off any empathy I might have had with them.

Maybe that was the intention of the filmmaker, but it gave me 80 minutes of watching people being horrible to each other, with no redeeming features; and that's not really my idea of enjoyment.


I liked it. The characters felt like real people.
