Is this some kind of joke? Illuminati... ROFL. That word is a red flag to me.
shareRemain ignorant if you wish, but no it's not a joke.
Any website setup like that, trying to find stupid hidden numbers/symbols, can't be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain.
Sites like that are run by the same types of people who say missiles hit the WTC and not planes, despite hundreds of witnesses and video footage.
Nut cases, basically.
You're the nutcase.
shareAnd you base that comment on what? Where have I setup stupid websites like the one the OP posted about? Oh dear, I haven't
While I personally do not believe any of those wild WTC stories either, I do acknowledge that there has been foul play and something is wrong here, that much is a definite, now on what level, that fact is still hidden from us.
The fact is that people walk around with blinders on, our history is full of corruption, of hierarchy individuals trying to achieve global dominance one way or another, but yet everyone think that this notion, that people would actually try and do this, it isn't achievable, but it is, and it is so apparent, but no one has the time to think about this, we all have our families, children, jobs, then on top of that if you want to enjoy your self a little you basically only have a few hours (if even that many) to do something YOU want to do.
People need to wake up in general.
I especially frown upon those who have never left their birth town yet believe they know how the World works and functions, those who have never traveled and met with actual people instead of solely "experiencing" the world through a manipulated TV.
To comprehend, to understand, you need to learn and educate your self a lot, you need to research (read) how our brain works, why we have feelings, where ideas come from, how is our consciousness structured - I recommend the books from Dr David Eagleman if you're interested - You need to understand how corporations work, how global politics work, you need to understand human history, cultures. We're talking about years upon years of educating your self before you can truly realize the absolute truth.
Or what about the ones who say that no Jews went in to work on 9/11?
sharebe carefull of who you call nut case-just walk in your own bathroom and look above the sink...what do you see? nutcase; I rest my
shareWhere the *beep* did I just walk in to? Clicked on one of the most popular documentaries and expected a good watch, but it's a *beep* movie with even *beep* fans. Grow a brain dumbass.