A load of rubbish

Had an interesting start then became boring.



Can think of a lot of words to describe this film. Boring is not one of them.. 9/10 and I hate remakes.

As a matter of fact, this is probably the only remake(maybe one out of three) I have really enjoyed. I went in expecting garbage though so my expectations were low..


Are u being serious?! How anybody could take this seriiously after the dead man at coffee shop scene i dont know! Terrible movie



Trust this guy, he sounds like he wrote the book on boring.

Stay tuned for my epic 17 part review of spotlightne's masterpiece of concision and wit, entitled "A load of rubbish- Sardonic Gold, or Global Game Changer?"


I absolutely agree with you. it appeared interesting at first but after the 4th sin I felt bored and sleepy and lost concentration on the story.


had some potential then became beyond ridiculously stupid, sad thing is you could see the ending coming.


My in kind rebuttal to your succinct, detailed and poignant review:

No. It was good.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
