Colin Firth

THis is probably his best performance since Kings Speech... RM a very underrated film in the US....Maybe since it was Brits and Japanese vs US and Japanese? THis is as good or even better than Unbroken...


I have not yet seen Unbroken but agree about Firth. To my mind he isn't a very choosy actor regarding his roles and has starred in some pretty dire productions that to my mind are beneath him but still the work keeps pouring in thankfully. I guess he just acts to earn all the time he is a viable prospect. The only downside to that is that it does mean that just because Firth is cast, it doesn't automatically follow that it is going to be a good film.

I just watched Magic in the Moonlight and frankly it bored me senseless - nothing to do with Firth's performance of course. It was a mediocre film that should have gone straight to TV. Very beneath him IMO.

Has anyone seen my wife? - Columbo


I agree this was a better made movie than Unbroken. The Unbroken movie just didn't live up to its potential. Railway Man is a movie you think about after leaving the theatre. The Unbroken book by Laura Hildebrand was like that, but the movie was not.


Finally saw Unbroken, does not hold a candle to Railway Man (I understand the book was much better but I am talking only about the films)
