Rank the primary cast
1. Jeremy Irvine
2. Nicole Kidman
3. Hiroyuki Sanada
4. Stellan Skarsgard
5. Tanroh Ishida
6. Colin Firth
Feel the Films: A Blog by RCS - http://feelthefilms.wordpress.com/
1. Jeremy Irvine
2. Nicole Kidman
3. Hiroyuki Sanada
4. Stellan Skarsgard
5. Tanroh Ishida
6. Colin Firth
Feel the Films: A Blog by RCS - http://feelthefilms.wordpress.com/
1. Jeremy Irvine (clear standout!)
2.Hiroyuki Sanada
3. Tanroh Ishida
4. Stellan Skarsgard
5. Nicole Kidman
6. Colin Firth
Jeremy Irvine
Colin Firth
Nicole Kidman
Hiroyuki Sanada
Stellan Skarsgard
Tanroh Ish
"You were supposed to love me, werent you?", Nicole Kidman-Stoker 2013
1. Jeremy Irvine (He carried the film in my opinion)
2. Colin Firth (One of his best performances to date)
3. Hiroyuki Sanada (Very good in everything I've seen him in)
4. Tanroh Ishida (Never seen him before, very convincing portrayal)
5. Nicole Kidman (Didn't have a great deal to do but still convincing)
I thought Stellan Skarsgard was badly miscast.
This means something, this is important.