Omg!?!? Really?

I love Ms. Mirren, but the plot for this movie is absurd.'re telling me that the lowest-level ranking military officers are able to not accept/ reject orders from their ranking?!?! If this were the way we tried to stop terrorism, then things would be even worse than they actually are in the world. I fast forwarded the last 25 minutes. I wasn't going to watch them rehash and beat the "bloody horse" another 11 times when "it" was already pulverized. Get real screenplay writers & directors. I've never seen a ridiculous movie.


I thought the acting and dialogues was more absurd. It was more like watching a school play rehearsal.


Maybe that was one of the points they wanted to put across. But yes if its such an intense setting they could have done with more help for our two friends helen and alan rip.


It went from realistic to absurd. At one point I expected the Kenyan girl scout troops to stand on the dirty bread table and sing Ain't We Cute? and Good Ship Lollipop.


Do soldiers now have implants that override them when they refuse a decision? Because soldiers have been refusing orders for as long as we've had armies, I think we have avoided WW3 on at least 3 occasions due to someone refusing to push a button when ordered.

James Blunt was a soldier before he moved over to music and he refused an order from a US General during one of the Balkan wars, when Blunt's superiors heard about it they were furious with him, but then they discovered that the order was to retake a Serbian airport by attacking and destroying the Russian forces that held it. This created an uproar where the General was stripped of his command back in Washington and NATO forces refusing to follow any more Patton wannabes.

So to answer your question, yes it is real, incompetence can make it's way up to any rank and only a fool or a blind patriot would follow bad orders gladly right up to the destruction of society. That is why neither fools nor patriots should be in charge of important things.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov
