Well done movie, but...


Let me be clear, this movie is amazingly well done, with even more amazing cast, particularly two mega stars - Helen Mirren and Alan Rickman. These two are the names that I am going to watch the movie without knowing what it is about, and it just confirmed my assumptions, as usual. But, and this is very big BUT, the whole story is phony, a smart bailout for controversial Drone War, which in reality looks completely different.

First question is why current wars on terror at all? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, African Horn, these are all BANKSTER'S wars. The most ridiculous excuse, official or popular is - fighting for our "FREEDOMS" - What f'ing freedoms, BANKSTER'S GREEDOMS maybe. I don't know about previous wars, but beginning with WW1, ALL ensuing wars were Banker's Wars. The real tragedy is that millions of decent and honorable Soldiers, Marines, Airmen and Navy men serve to scoundrel Banker's and their Imperial greed.

As of "concern" for innocent casualties, this is a total bull_it, because often High Brass and certain high ranking commanders in the theater were quite reckless even about own troops. Evidence - known blunders and although rare, there were also reprimands and removals from command positions, due to the bad, incompetent or even idiotic decisions.

To remain safe, America, Europe inclusive, should have followed from the early days what Trump said - NO to Muslim immigration, Illegal or Legal, period!

In support of my statement that this movie is fairy tale, below are few relevant sources, taken randomly out of many.

FROM THE ARTICLE - OBAMA-LED DRONE STRIKES KILL INNOCENTS 90% OF THE TIME: REPORT - http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/15/90-of-people-killed-by-us-drone-strikes-in-afghani/

QUOTE - "Ryan Devereaux, a journalist with the website, reported that - “During one five-month period of the operation, according to the documents, nearly 90 percent of the people killed in airstrikes were not the intended targets.” - Nevertheless, the U.S. government considers many of these casualties to be enemy combatants, according to the source, despite the strikes more often than not ending in the deaths of women, children and other civilians who become collateral damage of targeted attacks and are subsequently written off as adversaries killed during war, regardless of status"

QUOTE - “In Yemen and Somalia, where the U.S. has far more limited intelligence capabilities to confirm the people killed are the intended targets, the equivalent ratios may well be much worse,” Mr. Devereaux wrote"

FROM THE ARTICLE - DRONE STRIKES REVEAL UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTH: U.S. IS OFTEN UNSURE ABOUT WHO WILL DIE - http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/world/asia/drone-strikes-reveal-uncomfortable-truth-us-is-often-unsure-about-who-will-die.html?_r=0

QUOTE - "Obama liked the idea of picking off dangerous terrorists a few at a time, without endangering American lives or risking the years long bloodshed of conventional war. "Let’s kill the people who are trying to kill us", he often told aides.

QUOTE - "By most accounts, hundreds of dangerous militants have, indeed, been killed by drones, including some high-ranking Qaeda figures. But for six years, when the heavy cloak of secrecy has occasionally been breached, the results of some strikes have often turned out to be deeply troubling"

QUOTE - "Every independent investigation of the strikes has found far more civilian casualties than administration officials admit. Gradually, it has become clear that when operators in Nevada fire missiles into remote tribal territories on the other side of the world, they often do not know who they are killing, but are making an imperfect best guess"

QUOTE - "Even some former Obama administration security officials have expressed serious doubts about the wisdom of the program, given the ire it has ignited overseas and the terrorists who have said they plotted attacks because of drones"

FROM THE ARTICLE - THE UNTOLD CASUALTIES OF THE DRONE WAR - http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-untold-casualties-of-the-drone-war-20160218

Former members of the U.S. drone program expose the hidden price of remote control combat, where life inside the drone's ground control station can be mind-numbing until the call comes to commit violence

QUOTE - "The CIA doesn't like it when former employees talk about what they do"

QUOTE - "Brandon Bryant, a former Air Force officer and perhaps the world's most famous drone program whistleblower - For three years, he's spoken critically about his time flying drone missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia — where he helped kill 1,626 people, according to his own performance review"...etc. etc. .........................

However, the FACT is that according to circumstances, Drones are definitely better substitute for classical Air Raids, where innocent "collateral" casualties would be for sure much higher. Also, all these wars were and are EXPEDITIONARY wars, and there is no need to waste American or European soldiers' lives for, what every REALIST already knows.

As a final proof that our Plutocracies don't give a damn about casualties, direct or collateral, is current, presumably "uncontrolled" mega-flood from Third World in Europe, under pretention as "immigration" and "refuge", where US aren't any better. Can't wait to see if Trump will walk the walk, or it was just a talk.


With a bit of luck Trump will be killed in office, it's been a fair while since the last attempt on a president back in the 80's.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


Hmmm, you sound as a plain Libretarded Obambo-lover. As of Trump, well...if Muslim and sub-Saharan "immigrational" or "refugee" importation-infiltration would cease, and substantial repatriations would prevent Islamization and Africanization, I would say that Trump served to purpose. Of course, you Killary supporters would prefer Planet of Ape extended.

The point is that politicians do not serve to people, but if they occasionally do something useful they might get a pass. Bush has been a major f_up, Hussein was the triple one, whereas Killary would defeat them both, she would be THE GALACTIC one, hence let see what Trump will be, just for the purpose of curiosity.

Please, please agree...give hive him a chance, for better or worse...it could also help you to brake from monumental Libretardation, at least temporary.
