Exactly! Just about everything in Europa Report was better than in Interstellar: tauter plot, better emotional tension, interesting but uncomplicated characters who interact very realistically, better science, better writing, better score (and I'm as big a Hans Zimmer fan as you'll find), just all-around so much better. Sure, Interstellar's budget means it looks nicer visually, but Europa Report was still very fun to look at, always interesting visually, occasionally stunning. Heck, even though Interstellar had all the big-name actors, Europa Report held its own in the acting department, and I only recognized one actor, and that was the guy in the press conference at the beginning (the one who played Clay Davis in the Wire. Sh**********t!). Even using the found-footage gimmick worked really smoothly.
Until Interstellar came along I'd loved everything Christopher Nolan ever did, and don't get me wrong, Interstellar was an entirely adequate movie, but it's easily his worst work. Yet it's right up at near the top of the IMDB Top 250, and Europa Report is stuck down here at 6.5. That's unbelievable. I understand the big-budget, big name power of a movie like Interstellar, but even the critics liked it better (admittedly by a substantially smaller margin).
Sometimes the world just don't make sense.